Recent content by Jrasta111

  1. Jrasta111

    Random Post Thread

  2. Jrasta111

    Random Post Thread

  3. Jrasta111

    Random Post Thread

    Always find those who know the least tend to talk the most. Almost as if they never knew from the beginning let alone along the way toward the ends. Can never know. Never learn like the tallest mountain; Highest flying bird only looks down. Merely regret those terms ones they indeed set...
  4. Jrasta111

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Had an idea. Not saying it's a good idea but an idea it is nonetheless. It goes something like this. Instead of everyone arguing over what should and shouldn't be in every single game why not make a separate Soul Calibur or at least Soul Calibur style game devoted solely to guest characters...
  5. Jrasta111

    Random Post Thread

    Finest Soul Calibur game; guest character team ASSEMBLE