Amy Just Frame

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[08] Mercenary
Forigive me for asking but im no Amy player.

Could anyone tell me the name and frame data of Amy's Just Frames? Or atleast the one that's spammable and I cant get the fuck out of lol.

EDIT: Man i thought the Amy arena was bumping. If it helps, it's the one that hits grounded too.
well, you will see it written as 66:b, but in my opinion it should be 6:6b.

try doing the 66 input as fast as you can and hitting b at the same time as the second 6 rather than right after. this will help you tons at first and then after you get used to it you can learn to delay the b SLIGHTLY to improve your consistency. hope that helps.
well, you will see it written as 66:b, but in my opinion it should be 6:6b.

try doing the 66 input as fast as you can and hitting b at the same time as the second 6 rather than right after. this will help you tons at first and then after you get used to it you can learn to delay the b SLIGHTLY to improve your consistency. hope that helps.

im following what you said.
im trying this on broken destiny.
do you think its cuz of the arrow buttons cuz im using the old psp
never touched BD before. you might ask in the BD forum if there is any input variation between the psp models. i have no clue.
Was this really worth opening a whole thread for? Just double tap as fast as you can - time you spend complaining could be used practicing man! :)
It takes time to get it consistently be patient, at first I would just hit my opponent with B+K, K and then kinda buffer the 66:B. It gives me a more precise timing to get used to + I find it easier some way. It has to be pretty fast. Its very similar to Voldo's 6:6B though I think its a little harder.
We can tell you the input, but we can't teach you the technique, that takes practice and moaning doesn't help the learning process, look at the kilik boards, it is clogged to fuck with new guys saying 'OMG the command throw/ GB Asura is SOOOOOOO hard!'
You know what I say? The info is there, the videos are there, Soul Calibur inputs are by far easier than combos on 2D fighters for example, so stop moaning and learn like we did, rather than giving us all a headache - do you really think we learn tricky inputs by complaining until they work?
Sorry if that sounds harsh but I tell it in Black and White.
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