Hilde help.


[10] Knight
I never faced a decent Hilde until last night. She totally whiffed punished everything I did (I know, just don't wiff, right?). I try to get out of her range but then I can't reach her. So I tried to rush her so she didn't have room to try to punish me, but I couldn't figure out a game plan once I rushed. I just spammed REM in her face cuz I figure that she would use her horizontals when I'm up close. and that paused her in her track and then I could start mix ups, but I doubt that a legitimate plan

Can anyone give tips against Hilde?
Against long range spacing I find 1A to be excellent.

Most Hilde players I play against like to dance around the range where only Xibas 4B/6A will hit them and spam 22B from a far, it was very frustrating for me until I took a new look at 1A.

1A has great range, is perfectly safe if it gets blocked at tip range (in my experience at least, maybe she can CE it at any range. I gotta lab that), deals a chunk of damage and does guard damage. Sure it is slow and can be jump attacked on reaction but if your opponent stands still and is waiting for the 1A then he is not dancing around like he used to, meaning that he opens himself up to 4B harassment.

So yeah, try 1A at max range to stop her spacing.
Against long range spacing I find 1A to be excellent.

Most Hilde players I play against like to dance around the range where only Xibas 4B/6A will hit them and spam 22B from a far, it was very frustrating for me until I took a new look at 1A.

1A has great range, is perfectly safe if it gets blocked at tip range (in my experience at least, maybe she can CE it at any range. I gotta lab that), deals a chunk of damage and does guard damage. Sure it is slow and can be jump attacked on reaction but if your opponent stands still and is waiting for the 1A then he is not dancing around like he used to, meaning that he opens himself up to 4B harassment.

So yeah, try 1A at max range to stop her spacing.
I feel like standing A could do that as well then.