Getting your significant other to embrace gaming


[09] Warrior
I've been with my wife for nine years now. When she met me, I was very much into Soul Calibur 1. Played it with the guys at college every chance we got. Got into competitive gaming for SC2 and SC3. It kind of took over my life for a while, but it was something for me to do. I got out of competitive gaming, but now with SC4 on the scene, I wouldn't mind getting back in for some sessions and the occasional tournament.

But how do I get my wife to embrace my gaming hobby? It's not that often I go to play. She lets me play basketball and disc golf. But she thinks gaming is a waste of time and gets upset when I even suggest that I'll go play games. Anyone have a good understanding with their significant other on gaming as an outlet? Maybe it's cuz I suck at it....
My wife plays SC. She's rather good, especially since females have smaller brains than men, it's amazing to see her adapt to high level tactics.

Other games she enjoys are: Sims, Spore, any J-RPG with good music and Starcraft.

She ended up liking games because she saw how much I enjoyed them and the joys of competition in them. Plus she is an artist and enjoys games from a production level standpoint too.
You're a lucky guy Cha Cha. Still trying to figure out what my wife is really into. She doesn't really get the whole competitive thing. She doesn't really do sports or art. I don't know. There are some things I'm still trying to figure out after 9+ years. She likes some GTA once in a while, and some tetris, but that's about it. Maybe I'll try to get her to try some SC4 this time around.

I have a friend who has four kids (I have two) and he gets some time away from the wife and kids to get some games. Sometimes a whole day, or even 4-6 hours. But they have an understanding.
yeah wrinkly people are fucking nasty.

well, d, you just gotta put your foot down, man. i've ended a couple relationships because of their incompatibility with my habits...gaming being one of them...although none on them were more that a year old...well one...but that's a different story. i had one girlfriend who was so mad about the time i devoted to FF10, that when ff10-2 came out she just bought it for me along with the strat guide, so i could "just fucking get it over with quickly..."

now, i am NOT suggesting ending your relationship, or threatening to end it. what you need to do is put more emphasis on the positive aspects of competitive gaming, thus making it more embraceable for the luvvy.

point out the beautiful artwork of games like oblivion. point out the enhanced memory and problem solving skills developed by playing most games. point out the strategy necessary to play competitively. most importantly, point out the lasting friendships and the quality people you find in the scene. let her know that this is an important past time, and that as games take over the mainstream media, this is not going to change. more of my friends and friendships have come from gaming than things like sports, school clubs, 'cruisin movies and shit', etc...hell i've probably made more lasting friends through playing video games than anything other than smoking pot, which combined with gaming is often love at first site- no homo of course-..."traditional" social activities are being replaced by new ones and gaming is a perfectly healthy and entertaining and competitive example.

then buy her a ds, brain age, and nintendogs.
Lobo, nicely put. Now to sit down and have that talk w/her. You're right, a DS and Nintendogs just might work. Just have to make sure I don't take over on it. So many games for DS I'd like to play.
I just tell my girlfriend it relaxes me and lets me focus on one 'simple' thing instead of my fucking thesis. She doesn't like it, but understands my love for it and it very rarely stands in the way of our quality time together. Maybe that's why I still suck in this game.
I got lucky with the Girl I hang with, She Loves Soul Calibur and Rock Band.. Thou would be a concider a Scrub with SC4, But how cares... Shes Playing it...

You could get her to play SC with you. You could buy her a DS and then maybe she won't think that video games are a waste of time. You could get her a hobby, but ultimately you have to sit her down and talk to her about it, and she will either embrace your gaming or she won't.

She should be more understanding since you don't spend that much time gaming. So just talk to her about it and come to a compromise with the keyword being compromise.
My Girlfirend (who lives with me) wasnt into games either, which was a problem, because im an addict....and wasnt planning on quitting gaming, or even play less...

BUT, it turned out she had the "gene" as well... as i bought her a Gameboy color (weve been together for a while :P) and later a DS, and a Wii... she now is really into the puzzle games and games that arent hard to play. Spore is her new game, and in the past she has embraced: Lord of the rings online, Silenthill, stupid Wii games, Stupid DS games, Final fanatasy, Zelda, The sims, Puzzle quest, and the list goes on and on...

The game that i bought with her gameboy color that got her into games was Links Awakening :)

And since i was smart enough to focus on gettting her to play on handheld gaming devices, i still got the TV with my XBOX most of the time ... yay!
I've got nothing here.

"Maybe I don't like video games as much as you"

That's what I've come to expect from my wife. It doesn't fucking work, man. Some bitches suck.
Fable II coming out in October might be a good way to game w/ her b/c it has couch co-op and she can create a female character. I know my girl is looking forward to us both playing it.
Show her your dick
Say "it's a dick". She might suffer from a specific type of short term memory loss that makes her forget what dicks look like.

and if all else fails, get her a shamwow