[Buffalo, NY] How'd we get to be so S-RANK?

ggs tonight dudes....you guys need to work up on your mixup game when you have your opponent knocked down

Yup. No arguments here. I noticed that this was almost entirely absent in my gameplan. Mostly because I ALWAYS expect to get reversaled. I just didn't let myself do enough meaties and time them well. But you can't be too worried about that. Need to keep the pressure up.

This and frustration...
.......... i don't wanna see guy in sf4. i'm scared already LOL

luckily, most of those combos are highly situational. Like his FF chain couldn't be done against people
unless they whiffed a move that left them in a standing position. (though there were exeptions, like sagat's sprite
being so big, I could do it WHILE he was crouching lol) When I play'd Alpha 3 in my kaillera
days, people knew this so they would crouch most of the match...all I could do was poke and do random
QCF+K mixups (its the move where he runs towards you)
Yup. No arguments here. I noticed that this was almost entirely absent in my gameplan. Mostly because I ALWAYS expect to get reversaled. I just didn't let myself do enough meaties and time them well. But you can't be too worried about that. Need to keep the pressure up.

This and frustration...

Yeah you have to strike that balance between baiting reversals and going on the offensive. This just comes down to reading the opponent's habits. Don't rely too much on what you see out of your fellow Buffalo players when it comes tournament time either, other players may reversal less or more, have different patterns, etc. The best skill you can have for a tournament isn't combo execution, it's quickly reading your opponent's habits and patterns.

You guys are in luck playing SF4, there's really not that many options to be aware of in wakeup situations compared to other games.
i'm prolly not gonna be there tonight. gonna take a lil break, maybe get some games in on monday
man i wanna play alpha 3 even tho i suck at it
Execution heavy is viper.. shes is the most technical character in the game besides gen. doesnt matter what the play style we play, its character specific.
Execution heavy is viper.. shes is the most technical character in the game besides gen. doesnt matter what the play style we play, its character specific.

No, man, what he's saying is you guys rely on links/combos and your game is reflex oriented. It doesn't matter if viper is execution heavy, the way you play Ryu is that you are very technical. You do more than just c.mk Hadouken. When I play Ryu that's all I know how to do is c.mk Hadouken.

As an example. My Balrog is not technical at all, but I have good mindgames. I know 2-3 practical combos that I use all day every day. Your Ryu has few mindgames, but is very technical. You can unleash a variety of combos on your opponent.

Games @ 7 tonight? I may not be there til around 7:30 or a bit later.
I plan on coming tonight. Not sure if I'll be able to do anything to you guys, but I'll do my best. Be there in a little bit.
Thanks for the ass beatings guys. I really want to learn SC4 to the level you guys are at. I'm sorry for bothering you with all my noob questions, but I appreciate the answers. I don't think I'm going to be getting into SF4 much. It's just not my game. We'll see with Dash, but I've never been a solid SF4 player. Good games and I feel I learned a bit albeit a small bit tonight.
I wonder who that character was that was standing next to him. I see someones legs overlapping his sprite

At first I thought it was a mirror match, since if you look below Ono's hand, those two bright lines could have each been a T. Hawk front leg. But now I look at the colors and i think it's someone with a really 'thin' neutral stance - think Freeman in Garou or something. Maybe it's one of the two all new characters?
lol there go those Saints, doin what they do. I'm kinda not even that upset now that the Giants got blacked out, we crushed so hard David Carr was in near the beginning of the 4th.