Viola General Discussion / Q&A

I did SET 6B+K, A+G.

For bonus points: SET 6B+K A+G (Orb interrupt) A+G 8A+B <- Forward RO.

Still curious to know how/if you guys have worked in A+B at all? I also just wish that ORB 66AAB wasn't so easy to see coming and get out of. It sets the orb in perfect position for a B+K BE.

A+B is so mediocre, and I honestly don't even know why it has a BE. It's especially weird how that BE works.

44A is pretty much a leveled up A+B.
For bonus points: SET 6B+K A+G (Orb interrupt) A+G 8A+B <- Forward RO.

A+B is so mediocre, and I honestly don't even know why it has a BE. It's especially weird how that BE works.

44A is pretty much a leveled up A+B.

It's annoying that I can't find any practicable application. SET it stuns the person but they hunch over so fast that the B (A+BB) recall always misses. I guess it may be one of the safer sends - if it connects the stun keeps them from nailing you. Orb it has a decent range that might catch someone off guard. As a connecting BE it just sets up a launch. Though I have had it connect off an odd bounce from 66K [BE].
A+B BE seems like a chance taking move to me. You can use it's fast start up to counter or hit someone who's moving, or the opponent can jump over the third hit leaving Viola wide open. I honestly wished it had a better reward by lifting the opponent higher, but that's that.
Pretty sure 6B+K A+G is like - a shit load for you though, I seem to always get interrupted, lol.

It's inconsistent. It depends on exactly when you threw after you started 6B+K. If you start the grab immediately after the animation, you'll interrupt it late enough that this can work. If you grab late it's -a million.

It can also leave them back turned, which can cause silly situations as well. All in all, it's useless except to be something super clutch that makes you look far better than you really are, because you totally just made a random guess/risk and people will think it was on purpose.
I wish they left A+B BE as the original,
Does it still connect after B+K BE? I used to try to figure out where to work this move in but completely gave up. Everything seemed forced. Now I throw it out occasionally just for the hell of it. Honestly, I was waiting for you smart/creative people to come up with something.
Does it still connect after B+K BE? I used to try to figure out where to work this move in but completely gave up. Everything seemed forced. Now I throw it out occasionally just for the hell of it. Honestly, I was waiting for you smart/creative people to come up with something.
nah, its really pointless, she only goes to neutral after opponent has landed, the only use I can off is to safely get the orb behind you for B+K BE for A+G throw 2A+B etc
I am so mortified. I was on the stream and Didn't realize it and got to drop combos eeeverywhere. I'm like... I'm gonna go stick my head in a hole and never come out.
~Because I put the base set down with 66B loops and was HOPING Fuzzy would do the easier half and put up the varients, while I am putting together a gigantic guide on Alpha. Apparently it is a mod spot wasted though. =(
how come the viola combo thread doesn't match up with the full life combos here?

In the combo thread, I see up to 190 damage combos or so.....this guy is taking over 200 damage on most combos.

What synraii said above is part true - but what's also true here, is you're not taking into consideration how PRACTICAL these combos are.

When I remade the old combo thread that was a mess, I put in almost every combination you could do - which was not only messy, but confusing, and I didn't have damage numbers yet. I got told I should only include the max damage/good oki stuff, so I removed clutter, but it left a ton of void space I hadn't experimented with yet (Like W! stuff).

Salman's video not only uses the entirety of the bar on most combos, he also uses it inefficiently on a lot of them. Especially on wall combos (3B W! 3B W! 3B is honestly your worst followup on wall splat unless you're completely meterless. Better followups look like this:
Note, this is pre-patch damage, these do more now [like 40-50 more]. And they use half the meter salman's wall combos use).

It's really a giant burden to do the combo list the way Syn chose to do it. Listing it all out will take a LOOONG time if we're going to include the flashy stuff, too.
What would you say is Viola's best punisher when hit by Mitsu's :2::K::B:? I've heard it's -16 on hit, so I'm looking at :6::B: and :3::3::A: (not at home so can't test this).

This is good stuff. thanks for the thorough explanation. I was looking for some wall combos.

EDIT: if you do a 44a be after a 3b wall spat, only the first orb hits and then the combo resets before the second orb hits. i guess you have to do a ch wr b for that to work.

Also, I've noticed that Salmon had his own type of loop which is different than the 66b loop in the viola combo section. It was:
* launcher
* 2A+B (hold)
* (start loop) 2 b+k BE
* B+K(recall orb)
* (end loop) 6A+B(slight hold?)
loop again.

So now I'm pretty much wondering what is the bnb loop that she has. What is better(does more damage, easy to do, practical, carries to the wall, etc.)? My loop right now is 6A+B(slight hold) on air born opponent, 2B+K BE, AAB...repeat. I don't know if it is legit because I just randomly started doing it.
Snip to save room.

Off a 3B wallsplat, you can still use 44A BE - to get the third orb you do have to use BB then 2B+K BE though. So the combo looks like:

3B W! 44A BE BB 2B+K BE insert anything here.

As for your second question:

Viola's combos work in a very strange way. You pretty much launch, then loop people through reps of AAB -> Ground stun -> 2B+K BE to get max damage. Then you end with one of a few combo enders, examples:

2B+K BE AAB 66B 66A+BB <-- Max damage

2B+K BE B+K 44B <-- Gives nice Oki. You can 2A+B here to force them to block or eat it OTG, or you can just 66A+BB for more damage.

2B+K BE AAB 8K <-- For some pushback.

2B+K BE AAB 8A+B <-- Good oki, leaves them in perfect position for SET 6B+K stuff.

Now, knowing those enders, here's the thing about Viola's combos:

When you ground stun, you can only ground stun ONCE with the same move. So if you use 2A+B in a combo and get a ground stun, you cannot 2A+B again to cause ground stun later in the combo. The same goes for 66B ground stun and 8K ground stun. The only exception to this rule is the 6A+B 2B+K BE B+K 6A+B loop. However, with this knowledge, this loop isn't max damage because it wastes a ton of meter.

In any situation you would think of doing 6A+B 2B+K BE B+K 6A+B, you can get more damage off:

6A+B 2B+K BE AAB -> Any ender listed above.

If you want to extend the combo further:

6A+B 2B+K BE AAB 2A+B 2B+K BE AAB Ender, etc.

So yeah, max damage is always running people through reps of AAB -> Groundstun -> 2B+K -> Some kind of Ender. It really comes down to how much meter you want to use.
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Mitsu's 2KB is -16 on hit, so SET BBB is your best SET punish, and ORB 6B seems to be the best ORB punish. On block it's a 3B/44A BE punish.
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I still feel like the most bang for my buck (since I can actually do it consistently) is 6AB, B+K BE, 6[A+B], 2B+K BE, AAB, 2A+B, 2B+K BE, AAB, 66B, 66A+BB. Damage up to 178 if you get the 6[A+B] to connect after the ground bounce.

Oh yeah, and I'm trying to get an idea of what's considered her most useless moves. Just for the hell of it. So far I know A+B is filler. How about 33AB? I never see it used either. Same with 4K. She seems to have quite a few moves that are easily forgotten due to uselessness.