She is back Along with company

I actually asked how you take such good pictures. You are very devoted to your main character to the point that you even made story mode style images for her.

i wanted to show you some other pics (from action moves) and on that page are allot of them to be found and she is my first made char sow yeah i created a story ETC around her life (like many other fans do with some of their chars)

and to make the pics all i took is my Digital Camera and take pics from my TV with the right light and darkness behind my and as for action pics i do a move (wich i ,like to see on a pic) then i do it a few times then in the replay mode i wait till the replay starts over and at the last shot i take the shot and mostly it works great as you will see
Awesome Lightning and Cloud costume!
I tried to make Lightning before. Se was one of the hardest human characters for me to make so far.