League of Legends

Nasus late game, fed is sooo crazy. I love top lane Nasus.<3

This my jam when I play Lee Sin now!
I'm making all the Insec plays now it's so hype :D
In silver 2 promos now. So close to Gold. Found my feet again with Jarven after I ditched the spirit stone for the lantern thing and get a phillos stone with it to help with the mana issues.
In silver 2 promos now. So close to Gold. Found my feet again with Jarven after I ditched the spirit stone for the lantern thing and get a phillos stone with it to help with the mana issues.
I've ditched a few typical thing's for jungle as well and its working extremely well.
Tbh I've honestly carried my games recently.

Like with Lee Sin, instead of HM+Pots I start triple Doran's blade and just destroy lanes when I gank.
Hope I don't jinx myself by saying this but my Lee is on another for what it usually is for me.
I just started playing LoL again and was wondering if something like this would ever happen. Sounds like something I'd like in theory, mostly because I don't play with other people. In part cause I think I suck, in part because friends just aren't lined up with me on time. Though for being rusty I had some pretty nice games today.
But as someone who's both never branched out to many roles, but still doesn't want to just play the meta, sounds cool.
Yeah, but it'll be a while before they even add it to ranked- if they do add it to ranked.
if they do maybe people will look at themselves more instead of blaming others for losing. cause they'll have the role they want. QUE times will be long as shit though.
the thing about higher elo is that blame only seems to happen unless it kinda stands out. like the jungler trying to do a gank on mid lane and getting turret aggro at level 4 and dying. i won't be mad but i'll definitely type "?" in the chat. if he says it was a mistake then it's cool. if i bash him then it's just all bad from then on. most games won are based on the team keeping a level head and not tilting.
Trio q op. The ez started boots so I asked him why he started boots. He said to dodge Nid spears. I said that he could just watch for them or stay behind minions so he calls ME trash. Then sej and brand add on to it and then I get reported at the end of the game cause I fed(got ganked 11 times lol) and got 1 gank all game for me. They even let my towers die...
Got my winning formula.

Top - Katarina/Rammus
Mid - Karma
Jungle - Shyvana/Cho

Don't go bot cause you can't carry.