Soul Calibur 6 Discussion

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Regarding visual polish:

SC4 had camera angle changes on certain character's signature high-impact attacks such as Astaroth landing a 28B+G air grab.
I wondered why they took that away from SC5. I mean if this feature was only for just-guard inputs or or random "clean hit" that would add some aethestic points.

Secondly I liked how attacks have a special exaggerated whiff animation (like Taki/Natsu's whiffed PO B) that is different from having the attack land/blocked. I'm sure that certain attacks have extended whiff animations that just recover slower (with the same animation but just played out longer), but PO B has a completely different follow-through whiff animation.

Can you show me a link to the Taki/Natsu move you mentioned? I'm curious to see what it looks like on whiff.
As cool as T7's slowmo is, it would make SC effectively run in slow motion for the rest of the round as soon as either player hits 20% health due to all the movement.
Only happens during both players attacking at the same time while at low health.
I would prefer to avoid a big cinematic story as I feel most casual players would likely play it once and then possibly just drop the game.

What does that matter? Casuals are less likely to come without a cinematic story nowadays. More casuals come for the story, Bamco makes more money- some will stay, some will leave. Have you not seen how Street Fighter 5 has been chewed out for lack of story mode when all they had was "individual character stories"? I saw it all the time (and up to this day still do), be it on Capcom's facebook, sites like Kotaku or Destructoid. Casuals WANT a cinematic story that will introduce them to the world and why those characters are fighting. They are of the belief that without a story (and I don't mean a "what happens if this character wins" arcade type), they will not buy a fighting game. NetherRealm raised the bar with cinematic stories, now want it or not the other developers have to follow.
And I think characters not having the possibility to shine in a cinematic story is more a problem with writing than the cinematic story itself.

I mean... smaller text based stories could have the potential of requiring less resources for development too right?

Sure, but it would also make SC the "make me laugh" of fighting games in this day and age.
As I said before, I'd prefer knowing the full story than having a vague idea of it that I have to read the wiki to get a grasp of and wait for the sequel to confirm what was canon. Mortal Kombat 9 kind of revolutionized the concept of a story in fighting games, and now it seems like everyone is trying to do it. Though, you can have both, because MK and Injustice have story mode and arcade endings, just others are too lazy to do it apparently.
Well I agree that they should do better work telling the stories of the characters more individualistically which can still be just as cinematic, but I also don't like everyone following the MK format where everything has to be based on a world ending event, as opposed to just being characters solving their own issues. Its what the story of the CoTS did better than SC's main story in my opinion.

What does that matter? Casuals are less likely to come without a cinematic story nowadays. More casuals come for the story. Casuals WANT a cinematic story that will introduce them to the world and why those characters are fighting. They are of the belief that without a story (and I don't mean a "what happens if this character wins" arcade type), they will not buy a fighting game. NetherRealm raised the bar with cinematic stories, now want it or not the other developers have to follow. And I think characters not having the possibility to shine in a cinematic story is more a problem with writing than the cinematic story itself.
You can do both, you just don't need it to all be a MK style story just because end-of-the-world collective plots are the easiest for casuals and unfamiliars to grasp as "the story". SC doesnt work in that format because, unlike MK the good guys aren't all in the same faction like Earthrealm is. They have their own origins and own paths just connected by the swords at the center. It doesn't make sense for 1 character to save the 16th century like those stories

This is one of the reasons I was in love with Soul Calibur 3. You had so many personal stories to go through, so many paths to choose, and in all honestly, even though some elements of it were still repetitive, it just felt fresh in a way. And those alternative endings you could choose were a nice touch as well.
I liked its format as well, the only flaw to it might be that it was too "what-if" based and didn't really tell their own stories. Like instead of all the events leading to the same encounter with Zasamalel & Astaroth when most wouldn't be canon, it should have been story specific encounters for the characters getting those scenes. Like how Destined Battles worked, except all their significant encounters should be treated that way to their stories are more clearer.
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The thing about a big cinematic story is... It's gotta be good.

If it's not, (SFV, MVCI) it doesn't do the game any favors.

They need to get a good writer. Personally, I would like a Western writer if they intend to "appeal" to audiences outside Japan, so we don't have more of those "so let's go home together" moments that so many people made fun of.
Just like I would like if they have more Western music composers like they did for SC5. Some great tunes in the SC5 OST.
They need to get a good writer. Personally, I would like a Western writer if they intend to "appeal" to audiences outside Japan, so we don't have more of those "so let's go home together" moments that so many people made fun of.
Just like I would like if they have more Western music composers like they did for SC5. Some great tunes in the SC5 OST.
Yeah, I agree. Maybe get someone who has written for western video games or comic books. Hmm... got anyone in mind?
They need to get a good writer. Personally, I would like a Western writer if they intend to "appeal" to audiences outside Japan, so we don't have more of those "so let's go home together" moments that so many people made fun of.
Just like I would like if they have more Western music composers like they did for SC5. Some great tunes in the SC5 OST.
I agree. I think SC should get a more westernized writer or a writer from a western-styled RPG, because the characterization In SC can be pretty cringey at times, and the endings to most of the games show this at its worst in some ways. A lot of it comes from just the way SC just seems to be written more like an Anime or with a lot of Japanisms rather than an actual medieval story.
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It doesn't have to be a big cinematic story mode. The general casual consensus seems to be that Soul Calibur III did it best with its glorified arcade mode and its low-effort CaS RTS.

I'd be happy with just an arcade mode with two cutscenes and an ending per character, maybe with some sort of unlock at the end. Just an incentive to try out every character before jumping online.
People in this thread are acting like the game is happening when we legitimately have zero proof of its existence.

Namco would've already hinted at a new Soul Calibur release. There's no way they'd be able to keep this quiet for so long. At this point we'd already know of it for sure and we don't.
Yeah, I agree. Maybe get someone who has written for western video games or comic books. Hmm... got anyone in mind?

I feel Western comic writers like Michael Bendis (not my favorite) could write a good story. Maybe people who have worked on games like Dragon Age.
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I've said it before and I'll say it again, SC4 had a very unique story mode with a unique path for each and every character.

The most important part I think is giving the player that agency over that path, not shoehorning them into a NRS style story mode like SC5 tried.

If they must have a story mode like that at least they need to make up for it with more traditional arcade mode style proper endings for each character. What they did with SC5 was unacceptable, doubly so as they did it to a bunch of newbies and pointless successors to characters they already had set up, people might not have noticed so much if not for that as we all know they ran out of time for that stuff.

That was clearly poor planning, I hope by this point they've figured it all out for real this time... If this is real that is.
So... How many days till event A, B, and C where this game is to be announced?
Expect a short reveal trailer at TGA on the 7th (this Thursday) followed by a longer, more in-depth look on the 15th (next Friday) during Bamco's stream.
I've said it before and I'll say it again, SC4 had a very unique story mode with a unique path for each and every character.
Nothing is more unique than fighting 3 fights with walls of text followed by fighting the same pre-canned sub-boss and boss battle.
Expect a short reveal trailer at TGA on the 7th (this Thursday) followed by a longer, more in-depth look on the 15th (next Friday) during Bamco's stream.

Nothing is more unique than fighting 3 fights with walls of text followed by fighting the same pre-canned sub-boss and boss battle.
Expect nothing but hope that something is shown within this next month.
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