Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

Don't worry about what the other player is thinking of you. If you beat them by spamming, that just means they don't have the skills necessary to handle it. All you're doing is taking advantage of a game mechanic. If you worry too much about what the other person thinks, it's not gonna be very fun at all. And anyone who's salty enough to send hate mail isn't worth your time.

This goes for a lot more than RE. If a mechanic works, I never see a problem in taking advantage of it. I don't use RE much at all personally, but I don't see a problem with those that do.

Exactly. Get that W and simply reply "get gud"
I felt like that for the first few hours. The second few though... I'm going back to never playing games online again if I can help it. Totally ruined my mental state and even my SCVI hype a little from the thrashings and own retardisms I had last night... I had my taster for the gameplay, which was awesome, but now I'ma wait until I can play against Easy set AI like I'm used to.

Am I the only person who doesn't have a problem with Reversal Edge? Maybe 'cause I'm one of the crappy players that benefit from it? I dunno. I haven't run into anybody spamming it yet either so I guess I haven't been bothered by it so far. In fact most people I played against used it maybe once or twice in a round at most but not every round.

If anything I'm so scared of using RE due to the stigma it has right now that I go out of my way to AVOID using it so that I stop imagining the other player sitting their thinking 'spammer' or 'loser can't do anything else'. I tend to only activate it defensively when the opponent won't get off me, or sometimes if I mess up an input or whif, I'll reflexively activate RE to try and bail myself out of a potential punish. I've never used it offensively or just thrown it out for no reason though.

I personally find it really fun and cinematic and it really does help me feel a LITTLE more comfortable against more skilled players.

As others have said, RE is actually fine. There are a lot of ways to deal with that I've found out over the past day and a half. I've run into maybe two players that actually spam it and you can deal with it once you know what you're doing. I had the same thought but i got over it in the first five minutes because its not as BS as basically everyone thought at the start. Most people end up spamming verticals during RE anyway from what I found out which just makes it even easier to deal with. I find grab spammers to be more of a problem then RE, so if it helps you, use it. You're using a mechanic as its intended and if the enemy can't deal with it that's on them. You are doing nothing wrong.
Honestly I have to give props, from the short time the beta has been open I haven't seen anything that's I feel is like super broken or unfair, though honorable mention to nightmare seeming a little overbearing.
Don't get me wrong, I'm not terrible, though I did not play online a huge amount, so I was a bit anxious about going online. Right now I'm ranked f5, and I'm just about to reach 1400 I think, but I've had no issues with re. In my matches, I've yet to really see re except for in a match where me and a Taki were messing about the entire round. Most players I've been up against haven't really used re that much, and I used it like once or twice, usually by accident from Mitsu strings. The main issue I have is door knocker is brain dead and awkward to predict. Nightmare and Siegfried are ridiculously frustrating. Don't have enough experience with ivy right now, but the one I went against destroyed me in record time. I think the back strike move Sieg has should be nerfed a bit.

TL; DR re is fine and it's easy to side step. Nightmare is frustrating. Sieg back strike thing is annoying and ivy players from Russia are godly.
People who spam Reversal Edge constantly tend to do it as soon as they get the chance, which makes it easy to predict. I played against a few RE spammers and they kept doing it immediately after blocking my attacks or getting up off the ground. It was funny, and satisfying to punish their mistakes. I would only find it annoying if the match is very laggy. Don't forget that guard break attacks and unblockables also beat RE (and GI).
To be fair, it's not like we can practice and refine our styles beforehand. I have to use moves based off memory from games that came out years ago.

Same here, so much changed with. Xianghua that it’s pretty hard to dance around the enemy without knowing where her good pokes are anymore. I feel like I’m playing Dead or Alive and waiting out enemy strings to block and counter them with my own.

It’s very annoying, but I’m having better success with Groh.
What's the general matchup on Sophitia Vs Nightmare? I've been against some pretty good Nightmares but still managed to beat them with Sophitia.

It's mostly a mix of skill and matchup, I guess?
I only got to play for a few hours yesterday, so I didn't get to try many of the fighters, but my quick thoughts so far are as follows...

Tira: Very fun to play or even fight against. Her fighting style as a whole is just really enjoyable to watch. Can't wait to take her into training mode and learn her more in depth.

Taki: looks and feels plays beautifully. Felt right at home the moment I started playing her.

Siegfried: is an absolute beast. I was expecting a slower sluggish playstyle but he's actually super fast and aggressive. Love what they've done with him.

Sophitia: Much like Taki, she feels familiar and refreshing.

Talim: Probably my least favorite, but I've never been a Talim player so I can't really say until I take her into training and get a better feel for her.

Voldo: Can definitely see him being a fun fighter to learn, but it's been so long since I've played Voldo, most of my matches were spent accidentally switching between stances and twirling aimlessly around the arena. :sc2vol3:
Is there any tournaments happening this weekend outside of the beta? I thought I remembered hearing something about Kayane being at a tourny?

What ranking you guys at now? I only played one celebrity so far: linkorz - but I was still learning the moves at that point. :(
I am playing with every character and changing them every time I lose so my rank is not high so i didnt played with anyone famous but I wish i could fight against Aris or Max
Does anyone know if Tira's CE ko taunt/cutscene thing changes depending on her mood ? I saw the Gloomy version but havent seen the Jolly version
Does anyone know if Tira's CE ko taunt/cutscene thing changes depending on her mood ? I saw the Gloomy version but havent seen the Jolly version

If she does it from jolly, she switches to gloomy and stands there frustrated/enraged. It also allows her to start the next round in gloomy
Can someone explain Nightmare's CE to me, or direct me to a source of info? I know it absorbs attacks similar to the other move. But there are times where I'm just standing there guarding, and it still connects.