Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

I think they just don't understand her and is unappreciated her play style. She is difficult to fight against and difficult to learn, too. Then again what do we know what others think when saying such things.
That’s the problem with Tira though. She’s quite possibly the hardest character in the game to play, yet there are several characters that get the same amount of payout (if not more) as her but don’t require as much effort to use as her.
On a side note:


I've been following a few streams of 2b play to learn what she's capable of. Even against high level opponents who know the matchup because you see them punish or interrupt strings, she makes everyone turtle up with her pressure. She gets high damage combos from everything. You have to immediately side roll after her CE hits you or her long range sword throwing move will hit you otg. How many characters get oki off of ce? She can also ring out from mid screen, can pick you up from the ground and ring you out (no tech trap). Her dashing moves allow her to be where ever she wants whenever she wants. She has a dashing un-see-able low that combos into a launcher that can also ring out. She seems to do some things better than anyone and can do a few things that no one else can. Her weakness is her string commitment but holy sheet her strengths are a bit overwhelming. Even her damage output is up there with the best.
Merry Christmas folks, with love from Greece!:sc5sc:🎄🎇
By the way, I've heard about the Cass and Amy leak but I was away these days so, I don't know many details. If I may and am no trouble, what do we know so far? Many thanks in advance :D
There are several text-only references to Cass and Amy in the latest patch. The references are relatively minor, but concrete enough that it's 99% certain they are the next DLC characters.
There are several text-only references to Cass and Amy in the latest patch. The references are relatively minor, but concrete enough that it's 99% certain they are the next DLC characters.
I see, I see. So, who do I have to thank? Olcadan or you? Hahaha kidding, many thanks Sectus, and sorry if I troubled you/was a bother. :)
@Rusted Blade

I get what you’re saying but at mid level play, even if you were to know the match up the same thing that I explained before still makes her match up disproportionate.

For example whiffing a string and dashing past an opponent BAA (while dashing) covers a stupid amount of ground and comes with decent damage and spacing.
Not to mention moves like 44A (a great zoning tool) BBBB are decent counter hit combos.

She’s definitely fun to play you can see the frustration when my 2B gets tea bagged or repeatedly kick while K.Oed LOL.


As for Tira Violent Vodka explained it best on one of his YouTube videos, but he exposed a lot of her weaknesses I didn’t even know to look for.
Now I can step most of Mid level play mix ups and know high level play don’t have an unblockable tech trap in there arsenal anymore.
(Although I still struggle with high level)

Like astaroth you have to play like an absolute savage and even then she hasn’t got the same benefits as astaroth with high risk play.

They’ve just pissed in her face for no reason.
Yes I have to admit I've teabagged a few 2bs online because the other player was mindless mashing and got bodied....a good one however I just turtle up and die
@Rusted Blade
She’s definitely fun to play you can see the frustration when my 2B gets tea bagged or repeatedly kick while K.Oed LOL.

I wouldn't know--I don't get KO'd all that much. :D

No, but in all seriousness I definitely know where you are coming from. One thing I am noticing though (and I haven't investigated this in detail, so hoping to hear from someone who has already looked into it), but there seems to be something unique going on with the scaling of her damage, so that while she does get fairly decent damage values in general (given the speed and range of some of those moves) she only goes up so high on any given combo (or chain of combos, even?). The mechanics are not easy to pull apart, but the ultimate result is that even when she does catch you with the dash B onslaught or launch you into one of those frustrating aerial combos, flashy as they are, she doesn't really do as much damage as the opponent would expect / intuitively perceive from the amount of time she has you up and the number of times she connects. On top of that, landing a follow up on a launcher-initiated combo is itself a little tricky--the timing window is very generous to initiate some mix-ups and narrower for others, and inconsistent in timing between the ones that are narrow.

But those are yet more caveats, and still not meant to dispute that she needs some balancing. But I really hope they choose a method for nerfing her that does not involve substantially affecting her likelihood of connecting, say her B+K follows ups, for example. Her flow at higher level play is a delicate thing and I feel that if they tinker too much within even just a couple of key mechanics, the whole style could fall apart as at all effective in truly competitive matches. I'd rather they tinkered with damage values--even if it means even more down-scaling on combos.[/USER][/QUOTE]
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