6AM FT5 - Remember Kids...

If i can remember i wasn't in a hurry. either that or i gave free rounds
"RawpicklesS said: ...so a random took you to game 8 in a FT5, very nearly took you to the brink"

Well, i'm sorry for not putting effort into my decision making at 6 o'clock in the morning, and making it look like he actually stood a chance. Please excuse my idgaf attitude. The only "brink" was the very last Ivy round.

I know they say actions speak louder than words, but if we go deep into detail i'll become king of deception...
I did a lot of random shit so i either got 6A B'd, CE'd, or Round goofed. i didn't turn up until i got CEd, even then i still left out Free damage. IDreallyGAF until he picked Ivy and Viola.
...so a random took you to game 8 in a FT5, very nearly took you to the brink, after he mouthed off and you acted like you'd run train on him... good show! haha was fun watching him get frustrated with your nm "counterpick" at the end though.


May 11, 2014 at 3:51 AM
Posted by Vile_Death_Wave
Remember Kids, i'm bad so always know when you lose to me you are Horrible at this. - According to Xaviierrr... so this is proven

Early morning hunting.
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