I love when this type of stuff happens with Algol, and it's great, but I don't think it's something you can reliably set up... After all, it also requires that they don't move at all if 6BBB were to hit (let's assume it was a counter hit for out friend kAb), and the use of an unsafe attack.
If it works for you, fantastic! Just, be cautious.
they dont have to get hit im pretty sure they can block it
This is not tech, it requires them to get hit by the 2nd hit of 6bb, which is completely avoidable.


Nov 26, 2013 at 8:48 PM
Posted by Intimidating
Its kind of space dependent but landing a 11K at close range seems to put you in the perfect spot. It doesnt matter if they get hit by the 66B or not, as long as they eat the 33ABK. You can also follow up with algol BnB (iFC8B BE) for a death combo
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