SCV FT10s: Radadak SWGA(Yoshimitsu) vs. rudeb0y 101(Yoshimitsu) Part 2

Radadak's style is hardly unorthodox in my opinion. I really feel that as a player he has really captured what Yoshi is all about.

Having run a few sets against both of you, I can say that his style is more about tempo swings and forcing your opponent where you want them. Yours is more about landing immediate damage and locking down once they hit the ground.

I think the video shows that Yoshi can definitely afford to take a lot of risks as long as you judge them well.
I have to say that Radadak's yoshi was incredibly entertaining to watch. He has some crazy setups that i've never seen before.
Apologies for the delay.. did some editing experiments. My upload/youtube takes the piss.. :P


Sep 21, 2014 at 10:18 AM
Posted by rudeb0y
FT10 with my fellow Yoshi player, Roudoudouk.

Not our best but the meta-game is really interesting throughout. Always a pleasure to fight rddk's unorthodox style
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