SOULCALIBUR Lost Swords/ソン・ミナ

Her launch super looks really really really strange. The way she swings the weapon + the opponent's sudden trajectory and acceleration into the sky look so contradictory that its hard to suspend my disbelief.
First they don't care about us, then take those who dare to play the game for cash cows... Too bad we arrived this far to meet such a tragic end :-(
Why must they do this to us? They can put in our lifetime favorites into a game that doesn't even. I swear SC V (the REAL thing) needs a patch of the same new additions they're putting into this waste of space.
oh all sudden the girl with a rod is a decent character. What about the man with the rod? hmm?


Oct 15, 2014 at 8:34 AM
Posted by Malice

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