Recent content by Greenshortz

  1. Greenshortz

    I Don't Think Pyrrha's done with soul edge...

    well when soul edge removed itself from segfried he didnt have the arm still...
  2. Greenshortz

    Anyone else ticked off that Tira wasn't killed for her evil doings?

    To be honest i want the game over the next 3 or 4 games to flush out all the old characters and make way for newer characters ... change is hard but its good... now will i be heartbroken if they kill of tira yes but will i still play the game of course ... anyways i forgot to answer the main...
  3. Greenshortz

    Who Liked SC3?

    I think for the players the enjoy the offline stuff and aren't technical players (me) enjoyed the game, while the opposite disliked it or viewed it as broken...
  4. Greenshortz

    Any sign of other original styles for CAS?

    i just dont understand why they cant give us the full game in the first place >.<
  5. Greenshortz

    I Don't Think Pyrrha's done with soul edge...

    i know in the story they destroyed the soul blades and everything was happy lalaladidadadada but if you look back she's still malfested and soul edge in my opinion didnt seem very complete i mean it has been idle for 17 years (or to our knowledge has been low key) and if soul edge was completely...
  6. Greenshortz

    SCV is most likely the best SoulCalibur game ever!

    i do not own it yet but from what i have seen i will more than likely put my list like this: SCIII SCII SCV SCIV mostly because i prefer the offline stuff compared to online...
  7. Greenshortz

    When will Soul Edge truly become complete?

    yeah if you want the game to end in all honesty once it is COMPLETE then there will be one last hoopla and that will be the final game
  8. Greenshortz

    Anyone else ticked off that Tira wasn't killed for her evil doings?

    im tired of characters "dying" and then just coming back... its annoying... if your going to have a character give them an epic battle where they lose or crushed whatever you want and then keep them dead ... we cant expect our favorites to last forever...
  9. Greenshortz

    SCV Chronicles of the Sword: yes or no?

    This was the best mode of any of the soul calibur games to date imo... i enjoyed the fact the characters I made were part of a story....
  10. Greenshortz

    Viola Story

    So even though im 99% viola = amy i decided to come up with some random ludacris story where that is not true. so in the next game (unless they make stories for other characters as DLC) raphael is continuing his search for amy when he stumbles upon viola and zwei... raphael tells viola that...
  11. Greenshortz

    Story Mode Love it or Hate it?

    I thought the story was a step in the right direction, however is in no way even close to comparing to the extravagant story of 3 (with the chronicles of the sword and the individual character's story.) I however believe that they did a very good job if you were intrigued by pat or pyrrha , I...