Recent content by Momochi

  1. Momochi

    Mitsurugi PSN Matchmaking

    Hi to all My Psn : Sakon_Is_Back :sc2mit2:
  2. Momochi

    Lizardman Mixups/Strategies

    I tried 11B A + B 66K is not bad, but I much prefer the 4 [B + K] RO her further. I saw your video Vs DreamKiller. BT 2K after you have 44K Guaranteed CH 44AB 66A or 33B + B: B why not a 3B after GI ? if you have a good Lezard ! Ps: sorry my english is very bad -_-"
  3. Momochi

    Lizardman Mixups/Strategies

    Nuez: yes the 4B + KG Ring out from afar, but attention to the distance if it is you who will end outside .
  4. Momochi

    Lizardman Mixups/Strategies

    11B 6[K] A+B and the best combo after 11B ( 85 damage ! ) to Ring out 11B 4[B+K]
  5. Momochi

    Requesting Lizzy Wall Sex

    hello everybody My wall combo with lizard 33A 2BK +75 damage 33A (max range) 44AB 66A+B or 33A+B 7_8_9A 44AB 66A+B +75 damage 7_8_9A 6K 44AB 66A+B +90 damage 7_8_9A 66B+KAB 6[K] A+B +100 damage 66K 2BK +75 damage 66K ( max range ) 44AB 33B:B 44K +100 damage 3B 44AB 66A+B...