Recent content by Rarkon

  1. R

    [Alberta, Canada] We exist!

    Oh nice! I didn't know u of calgary had a fighting games club. Is this club new? Anyways I'd like to come to a meeting and play some SC5.
  2. R

    [Toronto] The Race to 10,000 Mountain

    Hey guys, I'm going to be visiting Toronto this weekend. I was wondering if there are any SCV games going on?
  3. R

    [Calgary, Alberta, Canada] Any players.. anything? Community?

    Hi, is this still happening? I would be interested in getting some games in this weekend.
  4. R

    [Calgary, Alberta, Canada] Any players.. anything? Community?

    Do you guys meet up in person, or mainly online?
  5. R

    Soulcalibur Players Map

    Rarkon, Calgary, Canada
  6. R

    [Calgary, Alberta, Canada] Any players.. anything? Community?

    I'm in Calgary, and would be up for a few games. But yeah, Calgary is pretty desolate in terms of 3d fighting gamers.
  7. R

    T.O Tourney #7 Results 12/22/08

    Good job Wallace. Your nightmare and throw breaking are awesome. Good games to everyone.
  8. R

    NEC updates thread

    Go Offmatic. TO believes!
  9. R

    PS3 honors...

    For start of a new era, you just watch the intro movie completely through.