Recent content by SoulOfTira

  1. S

    Ever had to dumb-down your offense for noobs?

    Yeh I've had to dumb down offense before. With Sieg SBH A+B you can't cancel it agaisnt noobs they just hit you in the face
  2. S

    Does anyone ever go back to play this game.

    Yeah, Chronicles of the Sword is awesome. I've racked up a 50 hour playtime on it
  3. S

    Other Tira players

    I play Tira, I ain't very good as her though. Xbox live is SoulOfTira if you want to add me just message me so I know who you are
  4. S

    Does anyone ever go back to play this game.

    I did the other day, messed about as Siegfried for a while. I still gotta do all the Night Terror challenges on this one too
  5. S

    [United Kingdom] UK Offline Sessions

    I'm British and I play. Feel free to add me on live just send a message first so I know you're not just some random person