training mode how to make computer stand guard immediately after knockdown?


[10] Knight
I can figure out how to make computer tech roll, that's easy.

I can make computer guard everything as 2nd action after normal standing, but this doesn't seem to make them do the instant stand up guard.

what are all the options for the right thumbsticks? they are confusing as hell.
I can make computer guard everything as 2nd action after normal standing, but this doesn't seem to make them do the instant stand up guard.

You can only instantly stand up and guard after knockdowns that do not create a ukemi opportunity. After a knockdown which you can ukemi and do not there is a forced delay before you can roll or stand.

You already have it set correctly. Normal into All Guard will make them stand and guard as quickly as possible. The particular knockdown used and the ukemi settings determine how fast it's possible to stand.

what are all the options for the right thumbsticks? they are confusing as hell.

The only useful mode is Free. The others are redundant at best or more likely counter productive and misleading.
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