Request to go!

Made this a long time ago.

This is my primary entry to Le_Bello's second challenge. If only the cropped jacket was available to males, Patroklos wouldn't have had to dress up like a girl, but you gotta make sacrifices if you want to win.


The Jodhpurs are colored red, then two layers of square stickers on each leg give rise to the gold-bordered red stripes down the sides. A scroll was used to simulate the badge on Patroklos' left chest.


I hope that someday, someone out there will give this kitty DLC a much better home than I have, here.

Since then, someone else did another version that was way better than mine. I forgot who, though.

Please, show it to me when you figure it out, k?
Whoa, been a while. I should get back into SC. Hopefully the newer consoles drop in price before the new one is released.
I'm sure this is everywhere but anyone have a good Elite Knight from Dark Souls?
Hello all, I have another request, if it is not too much trouble. Could someone help me make Omega Sentinel from Marvel's Avengers Alliance? I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you in advance. God Bless.

2965876-omega_sentinel_full_artwork (1).png
It was the leather head covering (same as shadow man), a heart, 1 feathers of strength, a Number 1 sticker, then a Basic 1 pattern. There was a pattern on the feathers of strength as well, to make the little grill holes. Forget which one.
Anyone care to take a shot at this?
Its the Deathstench armor for Monster Hunter Freedom Unite [male left, female right]
Here are some more:


Stomach is kind of messy, but this turned out a little better than I thought it would.




Orange is a problem for like, all the parts that might look good on this >_<. Tell me what you think. Would you rather burgundy instead of yellow?

Wow, it looks really good considering the fact that the color is off. As for the color, Burgundy wouls be fine. It doesn't have to be perfect.