Yeah it would be an honor to fight you in SC4. I have to get the game first since I sold it. I just found out that Tira in the demo may not have the same moves from SC4 but she will have a lot of new moves. Daishi said that Tira was far from finish and is not final. Im so excited to see what she is REALLY going to be like in SC5 when it comes out next year.
btw you know that post was aimed at sheppard right?oh well it doesnt matter
i personally think that they havent really bothered with tira and they might not,when the next demo build comes along hopefully they will have done a lot to her(at college atm)
Well, I have xbox and my gold upgrade finished a couple of months ago. Maybe when SC5 comes out, I'll but gold with it but for now I can't play online.
Did you guys see the last gameplay of Tira vs Mitsurugi? Tira loses both matches. I'm saying, she has a lot of work.
aww thats too bad i only have ps3,aww man im upset now T_T
I'll be honored to challenge the both of yall in SC5 when it comes out. However Im going to be doing a lot of training with Tira, studying her and trying to master her. If there is a online Tag Team for SC5, all three of us put toghter will be known as the bad ass legends of Soul Calibur 5 LMAO... Ahhhh what am I saying. I'll probablly get my ass kicked by a blind guy....... -_-
yeah been known as the 3 bad ass tira legends!he he keep dreaming
i hope we can have teams in the new one,coming up with tira teams and stuff and some ivy one for me too ^_^