Awesome. So now you have called me an idiot twice. I hope we do get to play someday. I'll be sure to remind of of this message for that occasion. Insulting people on forums beautifully sums up the kind of person you are.
Please do remind me. I find it funny how not only do I know who you are or did @ the moment. I come into a thread make one comment about step g and step g alone and the follow up response is well... I think you should pay attention to the things you post first about insulting before you state things that are very hypocritical. Being a hypocrite makes you even more of an idiot.
It is difficult to respect someone who describes Guard Burst as 'broken'. Perhaps a more suitable response from yourself might have been to explain why GB is so, rather than just complaining because you get GB all the time - which, as I suggested, is probably because you block too much, and need to make more active defensive choices.