All that stuff was already on the disk.
Still a better patch/update/whatever that SC5 ever got.
So the next SC game should add a bunch of characters that people can't use for a couple of month and then unlock them using a patch.

And give people a couple of days and they'll find more problems with the DLC characters.
Yeah I feel like SCV doesn't need this from the players. Sorry Kalas cos you know I respect you and everything. But the game is dying and I still think it's the players' fault. SCV is relatively balanced, has no major issues except arguably Viola infinite and Pat aGI glitch, is pretty satisfying gameplay-wise and still has a lot to explore.
If players just keep complaining, tbh if I was Namco I'd just be thinking 'screw them. They don't want to play, just whine'. Pro players are giving this game very little support. Project Soul gave themselves a pretty difficult task in making this game, they focused on multiplayer, and in the most part they succeeded. But it's the tournament players who are now biting the hand that feeds.
Sorry for the negativity but I am really disappointed in the tournament scene right now. Some players put in a lot of effort to make things happen, and now the current crop seem willing to just let it all die.
Most people here have been nothing but negative since the game came out. Some of it is Namco's fault, but people are making this game out to be worse than it is for their own selfish reasons.
First of all, I didn't say I don't like SC5. I enjoy playing it and if there's an EBO next summer, there's no question I'm gonna go.
The only thing I complain about is that Namco's support for their games goes to TTT2 for the most part. And I don't think that Namco would have released any more patches even if there had been no complaints due to TTT2 being released anyway.
I like the game and I've always been positive about it (except for the two weeks after 1.02 when they decided to nerf Leixia for no reason, lol), but comparing the support Namco gives it is not always easy not to point the finger at Namco.
And I still play SC5 btw, I will have a session with Sacharja and GOD Waffel tomorrow, but I just don't have the time nor the money to organize more - and since I don't like in a big city it wouldn't even matter. If the GODs hadn't organized EBO, there would have been only ONE single SC5 tournament in Germany.
The main difference between TTT2 and SCV is that TTT2 is an arcade game and SCV is not. But in terms of the game on console, I don't see one game receiving more support over the other yet. I will if TTT2 gets updated to 1.04.
The problem with SC for the past games has been that it hasn't had an arcade release because the game flopped in the arcade. If it was in the arcade, we'd see the support that TTT2 is getting because the work that goes into the gameplay and balancing would have already been done, and then the attention would then go to the console release.
Also, SCV was dying even before 1.02 came out.
It is not the quantity, but the quality of support that matters and that I care about.
And your last sentence is not true, at least not here. There are a lot of players whose disappointment got clear after the (failed) 1.02, especially in France. Players like Saitoh stopped after THAT, not before.
Also, I assume that due to Namco neglecting fanservice (e.g. museum, endings) and single-player-content - two things that attract new players most - this game did not have such a big impact on the community, because there was less "offspring". Some of the players stopped and grew out, but SC5 couldn't attract enough newbies to keep things moving.
I'm not in Europe so I can only speak from my perspective. We definitely lost people after 1.02 but we were losing people before it also due to them just playing the game online and not supporting anything offline, so alot of the hype the game built up fizzled out.
Also the majority of people who play a SC game have no interest in playing competitively. Adding more casual content would attract more casuals but doesn't turn them into competitive players, especially if they're not interested in playing a fighting game to actually fight against other people which is pretty much what SCV is and why TTT2 is tanking in sales.
But who cares when and why people don't play, we just don't have alot of people that play the game. This game needs more than just a patch. It needs gameplay changes, additional characters, and casual stuff to get people interested, but I think its too late at this point.
Not wanting to prolong this but Saitoh didn't quit because of 1.02, he was one of the few French players who thought the backdash nerf was reasonable.

PS did drop the ball on single player content, no doubt. I like that stuff so I was disappointed. But they focused on the gameplay and competitive aspect, yet it's the competitive players that are dropping the game.
It's not Namco's fault that the GODs are the only ones willing to organise a tournament in the whole of Germany. In the US, MLG has helped, but that's finished now, because - guess what - not enough players could be bothered to show up. Even to MLG!

And I promise you, no matter how many patches we get, majority of players will always want "one more patch".