Search results

  1. twiggywales

    back dash assiastance

    i been playing this weekend and dong really well, enojoyin this new maxi (although his mix-ups mind games are a bit weaker) most people i didnt really have much trouble fighting but i came acress Swordlord? (xbl tag Hammertime) and he used the alexandras and would poke and back step. i couldnt...
  2. twiggywales

    HEY ZOMBIEBEAR you got something to tell us???? @_@
  3. twiggywales

    woooooohooooo torny this weekend

    first proper offline torny this weekend, ill try and get you some vids if i can, wish me luck repping the main man. (any tips for success then chuck em my way)
  4. twiggywales

    RO ~ PS3L aGI fakeout ~ RO

    im sure i have seen this mentioned before but there wasnt a whole lot of descusion about it. (maybe not about the aGI fake out but about general PSL fake outs where you start the transition but dont actully switch stance) i felt it was a bit gimmiky and without much potential unless the person...
  5. twiggywales

    thinking of takeing up nighty

    i play maxi normally, cervy for his wall game and kilik so i can show off GB asura. should i learn this guy of not? im thinking either nightmare or taki/amy. hmmmmmmm its a tough decision.
  6. twiggywales

    possible torney Wales UK

    my GF is going away in august for a couple of weeks. (first couple of weeks) i have a 360, a spare room and a big TV. im thinking if people are interested i could maybe host a mini torny. i want to know waht kind of interest there is. i live about 15 miles from cardiff, and i have a...
  7. twiggywales

    work on combo thread

    hey all, been off SCIV for a while. im thinking that i will rebuild the combo thread to get back to it. obviously this is a pretty big task. i know some and i am going to start going through the thread. what id like from you guys (if you can) is a list of combos that you use. if they...
  8. twiggywales

    The Maxi Treasure Chest: Directory

    Well done on making it this far you have discovered the Maxi treasure chest of information Frame Data: Pure Soul Data: Maxi Combos...
  9. twiggywales

    players Directory

    Here is a list of maxi players please add your name if you want to be on here (and why not be proud and your tag/psn if you play online too) ill keep this updated, thankies --------------------------------------------------------------------------- REMEMBER WHEN ADDING SOMEONE TO LEAVE THEM...
  10. twiggywales

    the best the invent a move thread

    im gonna make this thread with relevence to the original one its for the top 5 moves out of the thread that we can all decide on im gonna keep this updated and we can all talk about which move we think is best. we can kidnap...
  11. twiggywales

    a quick request (i hope)

    there is one combo i dont seem to be able to get at all an a few moves i would like to see i know some of you can do them and was hopeing you might post a vid of them firstly the dictator slide unblockable mentioned that people are testing, i dont seem to get anything and i want to see waht i...
  12. twiggywales

    maxi, invent a move thread

    ok try to keep it realistic and discribe it move name: falling Sobat notation: LO BkG:A (JF) discprtion: as maxi perfoms the sweeping kick (Wing Sobat LO BK) he brings his leg back and as he lands brings the nunchuck around and hit the oppent. data: i16 16+33 damage hits Mid, Mid...
  13. twiggywales

    patch wishes

    seeing as most chars seem to have a patch thread lets have one here, what would you like to see if we ever get an update patch. personally i would like to see 2 major changes, ROA hit mid ( i would probily make a mess in my pants if this happened) and make CF able from stance. as well...
  14. twiggywales


    can anyone update this or do you need mod powers, was just thinking of putting 3K:B+K and 4KK:B+K on there or putting notes on the moves saying small BT frames at the end of move etc.
  15. twiggywales

    Soul Guage damage

    very often i find myself with the oppent in red SG so what i want to know has anyone done a study or got soul damage information on the moves?
  16. twiggywales

    wall combos

    i dont really know what to do when i see or go for a wall splat. at the moment i tend to go for (CH)2A+B WRA 4KK 66B 2B+K but thats pretty much all i know. is there a list of wall combos anywhere so i can learn some better set ups and different fallow ups.
  17. twiggywales

    a couple of questions

    How much do you lose in lag with cervy, i have picked him up a little latly and im finding that iGDR seems very hard to do online, not sure why i do same imput same speed get it about 75~80% offline but online that drops to 30-40%, as to for the follow ups. (iGDR 22B 4A+K then the next iGDR is...
  18. twiggywales

    First attempt

    this is my first attempt at drawing somthing like this, its not great but it came out ok. not bad for wasting some time at work :P might try and do a more refined one or somthing may do more chars lol
  19. twiggywales


    you know, some of them are nice and everything.... but you just really wouldnt want one for a pet, not even if it was house trained and everything.
  20. twiggywales

    tournament questions

    ok i got a few questions and wondering if you guys can give me the information required i want to try and start a local (for now) area tournament as i live in wales in the uk and currently only really get to play online which is ok to a certain point but not really good when you want to...