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  1. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Yeah, its chair vortex anyway, loop implies combo and vortex sounds cooler
  2. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A 7:10
  3. tenguegg

    Algol Video Thread

    Yeah, its valid but I mean the threat of Just Guard isn't big enough to give up a move as good as 3BB. You really have to make your opponent prove hes capable of ruining your gameplan, and 1st round is a prime place to condition your opponent and see where that happens, since giving up the 1st...
  4. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    The "chair loop" is when you're in a BT state and you can B+K into A+B repeatedly for a decent frame trap. Also A+B~A+B is a frame trap to do if they block ( I think ). Its decent, although if you mistime it you can get swatted out of the air on teleport, or they can just sit on the ground or...
  5. tenguegg

    Tier Discussion

    Yes, out of context, but still close. They don't do it BECAUSE they're smarter, they do it because you don't need to be a competitive player to analyze the tools and data that contribute to making a tier list. Tier lists are all about maximum potential, in a vacuum where no mistakes are allowed...
  6. tenguegg

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    Only mash ABK if you want QI A+B BE to come out.
  7. tenguegg

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    No idea what the layout is on pad, but on stick I have an A+B macro button (ts on by default, I assume pad has something similar ). If I want to QI B then I just hit B, if I want to QI A+B then I hit my A+B button, but I typically QI A+B BE so I just mash my ABK button
  8. tenguegg

    Tier Discussion

    Really just talking about semantics. You don't have to be a tournament level player to make a tier list, in fact many tournament level players have terrible opinions and are often wrong because they're great players and not theorycrafters. Example: Justin Wong, highly regarded as one of the best...
  9. tenguegg

    Tier Discussion

    I really hate this mentality, how do you think games evolve? How do you think discussion is generated, new tech invented, what characters are popular, and by effect, how the meta evolves to counter them? Its all about tier lists and people giving input early on. If we all sit on our ass and...
  10. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    As far as how Algol is, I think hes great. Hes got really nice frame data, has multiple playstyles to deal with all kinds of matchups, really nice frame traps, space control, a few decent lows, and he can punish you HARD if you want to protect a life lead near the end of a round. He doesn't...
  11. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Thats cool, sorry for all the questions but I guess its generating some nice answers and discussion for people to check out. What options do you have if you absolutely know that someone is not going to tech roll( I think the term is Ukemi, where they instantly try to get up )? Is there any way...
  12. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Interesting stuff. I don't like starting matches with A+B vs Nightmare or Asta, I might just be flubbing it ( Not very much experience with Algol, mostly just training mode schtuff ), but it either gets stepped, resulting in a neutral or similar situation again, or it trades and not in my favor...
  13. tenguegg

    New :p

    Hehe, if I read this a few days ago i would have thought you were a total scrub thats going to go get bodied at a tournament. Now here you are placing higher than I could ever hope to at a tournament XD, good stuff man, very impressive.
  14. tenguegg

    Rushdown vs. turtling

    What? Nothing he said even comes close to implying that. All he did was list and categorize his opinion according to what the OP was asking
  15. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Any general tips for fighting long range characters like Mitsu/Asta/Nightmare/Xiba as Algol? I don't feel the match is too one sided, I just feel like i'm missing something. If the player spaces properly, my 66B whiffs, as well as 4BA in regards to punishing. 2A does me some good but it doesn't...
  16. tenguegg

    Tier Discussion

    Its a combination of the two, tournament results shouldn't dictate a tier list, but they provide valuable insight on what characters to focus on and pick apart. Tier lists aren't concrete, new tech pops up every day and the tier list shifts. Some characters have ridiculous potential that would...
  17. tenguegg

    Move Spamming?

    I will space properly, play footsies, zone and control the situation until I see someone mindlessly spamming. Then I retaliate with my own spam, not because it makes me angry, not because I think spamming is cheap, not even if it ends up not working at all. I do it because its a big "HEY IM...
  18. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Nah I don't think so, i'm doing it on training dummies, unless they randomly tech in different directions. I suppose its not that important, its mostly for swag combos anyway. 66B>3B BE combos are plenty stylish enough until I figure it out. Thanks again for dropping some easy ways to get in a...
  19. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Ah thanks! Much appreciated. Also I was trying to do some combos with 6A+B BE ( I think thats it, he shoots 4 bubbles out ) and i've been getting very inconsistent results. The combos involve 2 or 3 of the bubbles hitting, then when my opponent is falling, they get popped up by the last...
  20. tenguegg

    Algol General Discussion/Q&A

    Yes thank you, thats what I assumed, but what can I/how do I force myself into a BT state?