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  1. geeza101

    Four New Characters Revealed!

    Nightmare is on a horse. Your request is invalid.
  2. geeza101

    Can someone explain this?

  3. geeza101

    Gold ShaD (a.Pat) vs hAppy (Yoshimitsu) - losers final SCV ROF

    aPat's ring out game is disgusting o.O
  4. geeza101

    FR 17 SCV Top 16: FA|IRM( Maxi) vs SC|TSF|Xephukai( Pyrrha)

    Maxi guard pressure too stronk.
  5. geeza101

    FR 17 SCV: AK|MP|Ace( Mitsu) vs Blue Link( Pyrrha)

    A throw FTW
  6. geeza101

    Hawkeye vs Lolo FT10

    Was Xeph drunk? I had to mute the volume when he came on mic. Damn!
  7. geeza101

    Apex 2014-SCV: AVN|Hotdog Nitti( Pat) vs GuyverXR( Astaroth)

    At least he avoided the trifect in the final match.
  8. geeza101

    THUNDERDOME #8 MightyOmega vs IRM

    So much salt on commentary lol. Nice comeback from IRM. Once I started hearing the Guile theme in my head, I knew this was done.
  9. geeza101

    Fail moments in Soul Calibur...

    It's one thing when I fail me, but when the game fails me? That's when I go cry in a corner. #BibleThump
  10. geeza101

    Fail moments in Soul Calibur...

    This guy gets extra fail points, not only for mashing CE like a boss, but air controlling himself out of the arena.
  11. geeza101

    Fail moments in Soul Calibur...

    When 77B becomes 7B :(
  12. geeza101

    Fail moments in Soul Calibur...

    I dunno what it is with me, Natsus and this stage, but they keep ROing themselves. Another BE throw fail for your amusement.
  13. geeza101

    Fail moments in Soul Calibur...

    Not many things more satisfying than baiting out a Wake-up CE. Reminds me of when I used to play SSF4. Against a Natsu in GC, I was laughing so much, I lost the next round.