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  1. Y2Jabba

    = Gatsu's Official Temple of teh Random CaS Stuff =

    Beautiful work as usual I'd live to see kilik
  2. Y2Jabba

    Drewton's Creations (Star Wars/Batman/Mass Effect/Marvel/more)

    Loving some of this stuff I'd like to see more lord of the rings characters
  3. Y2Jabba

    The Return Of My Cast Of Freaks

    Mattys deffinatly back! Excellent stuff as usual!
  4. Y2Jabba

    CAS mode thread

    I'm the same, I REALY wanted mits's gear and yoshimitsus.
  5. Y2Jabba

    = Gatsu's Official Temple of teh Random CaS Stuff =

    PAC-bot! Ho-ly-fuck! Phenomenal work!
  6. Y2Jabba

    = Gatsu's Official Temple of teh Random CaS Stuff =

    Hey gatsu love your work as usual quick question if you don't mind? How did you do SPAWNs head
  7. Y2Jabba

    rdmunhoz - CAS gallery

    Love Thor and odin lets see Loki :-)
  8. Y2Jabba

    CAS mode thread

    It REALY is a shame they never released that last character pack. I still ocationaly tweet that danshi guy asking and near begging for that last pack but to no avail
  9. Y2Jabba

    CAS mode thread

    Loved the roman helmet mane piece. I made Marvels Ares ages ago and this is just perfect for him. I've been away for a wee bit where did these additional character rumours come from. I'm STILL (and foolishly) holding out for that last character pack to be released
  10. Y2Jabba


    Yeah that's what I don't get, it was making them money why stop the DLC just as it was picking up steam, I'm beginning to realise they REALY aren't going to release that final character pack :-(
  11. Y2Jabba

    Bunch of CAS.

    Wow where did these come from! REALY like your stuff on here some REALY interesting concepts and characters here
  12. Y2Jabba

    CAS mode thread

    I occasional tweet Daishi about DLC but always to no reply. Perhaps we should just bombard him with character pack 3 requests until he gives in
  13. Y2Jabba

    = Gatsu's Official Temple of teh Random CaS Stuff =

    Holy crap phenomenal work on the recreations! I'd love to see ur take on older costume kilik
  14. Y2Jabba

    rdmunhoz - CAS gallery

    Live ur Greek looking characters by the way! Did you ever watch Deadliest Warrior tv series, could be a some inspiration there
  15. Y2Jabba

    rdmunhoz - CAS gallery

    Lol assuming you forget about the celts and the hundreds of castles Wales has. I'm English but always refer to myself as British
  16. Y2Jabba

    CAS I have made...

    Apocalypse and xavier are great, we have a very similar gladiator but I prefer your darker colour palate. Great use of the roman headpiece for the hair
  17. Y2Jabba

    CAS I have made...

    Yeah it's in one of threads either the avengers one or my normal one I'll try find it somewhere. I've kept her for now on the off chance they actually release the 4 arms
  18. Y2Jabba

    CAS I have made...

    Great xmen! I have a very similar spiral just waiting for that 4 arm piece of DLC we'll never see lol. I used Cervantes style instead though. Best deadpool I've seen so far as well!
  19. Y2Jabba

    Future CAS DLC

    I have but no reply as of yet, it just dosent make sense for then not to release it