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  1. A

    Which guest now?

    Bandai makes the Dragonball Z games right? I wouldn't mind having a couple of those charecters in there. Trunks would be nice with his sword. I don't remember anyone else with a weapon though.
  2. A

    In Match Foolery

    Have you tried the low throw in which he throws the person over his head? You just have to let them back you into the ring's edge and you can toss them out. It's great fun.
  3. A

    What are YOU playing?

    I got GTAIV & SCIV at the same time. I only played a few matches of GTA on xbox live and haven't even started playing the missions. I actually didn't really play either of these games for a long while because I was in playing Call of Duty 4 all the time. And, before that it was Halo... I'm a...
  4. A

    So what was your first fighting game?

    I honestly can't remember. I know it's a toss up between the original Mortal Kombat and Street Fighter 2. I have clearer memories of Mortal Kombat though so I'm gonna go it it. I started learning combos and certain special attacks on MK 2, but I still basically mashed my ass off. I remember...
  5. A

    In Match Foolery

    This thread is for stuff to do in match that's silly and mostly pointless. Rather than having oh so serious stuff all the time, let's try this. I'm inspired by this person I matched up against in ranked last night. He kept doing this weird run with Yoshimitsu and the other crazy moves that...