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  1. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I'm still not ruling out that the devs have been hard at work developing a Switch port, especially with the recent rumours of a revised, more powerful Switch set to be announced at E3 or before by Nintendo. I just think add Link to the game (which could tie in to the Legend of Zelda's 35th...
  2. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Does anyone think the reason behind no Season 3 announcement and such a prolonged silence from the devs is related to a next gen and / or Switch version being in the works? Guess we might found out in a few weeks at E3 either way..
  3. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    What happened here
  4. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Damn. Is Tekken due an announcement / update anytime soon?
  5. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I think what makes SC2 so great is its accessibility - so easy and fun to just pick up and play. Solid, balanced roster and plenty of single player content go a long way too. I also find it more visually appealing than SC3 even though I can see how SC3 has more detail and is probably an...
  6. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Does anyone else think Hwang's face model looks so much more detailed than some of the other characters? Looking on Hayate's Twitter and I was really struck by it:
  7. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Japan's in a full state of emergency / lockdown situation at the moment - could be the reason why perhaps.
  8. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Game developer or not, stop being a shitty person with a shitty attitude. You've lost any credibility you might have had to compare SC6 to Cyberpunk 2077 in any way.
  9. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    So how would everyone compare Season Pass 1 vs Season Pass 2? For me it's a no brainer with Season Pass 2 - helped enormously by Setsuka and Hwang.
  10. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Sorry if I upset you, but if you care to look I already posted my ideal season pass 3 characters (essentially all the remaining veterans).
  11. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I can't be the only one who wants a season 3 consisting of Aeon, Rock, Yun seong and Li Long? With Edge Master as a free update to fully complete the SB-SC3 roster (guests, mimics and bonus characters aside)! I guess I'd sacrifice Li Long for a new character (possibly Acht using Viola's...
  12. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Is this a shitpost? Couldn't think of a worse season three cast list if I tried!
  13. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I agree which is why I’m a little disappointed that his primary costume, art and model has his face and iconic headband covered up by a feathery hat, although that being said I do quite like how on the character selection screen his icon will change from unmasked to masked when hovering over his...
  14. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    That sounds like an interesting premise but unfortunately probably not anime enough (not to be THAT guy) given the direction of travel the franchise seems to be taking..
  15. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Confirmation of Hwang’s voice actor - as we all thought:
  16. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Just seen this actually:
  17. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I wonder what his four colours will be? Personally I hope his unmasked costume is his first / primary one and another is a green and white recolour that is reminiscent of his SB and SC3 P2 outfit.
  18. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    I agree - an idea I have for a rerelease of SC6 on next gen platforms is to call the package (bundled with all DLC and Edge Master) Edge Master Edition! That being said I’ve always found Edge Master coming rock bottom of the infamous character poll baffling - he’s by far my favourite mimic but...
  19. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    Why wouldn't it be? Unless you're thinking they just used the assets for the trailer?
  20. H

    Soul Calibur VI: General discussion

    It actually sounds amazing, surprised people aren't talking about it more. I wonder if it'll actually be used in the game anywhere? Also, what's up with the delay in getting Hwang's official character art published - we still don't know what his background emblem/motif is and whether the mask...