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  1. D

    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    Just curious who is gonna be playing tekken 6 on the 27th? Look me up and we'll get matches in i'll be using christie
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    Zas Matchups

    For talim i usually like to time 4 a+b at the start of the match because some will right off the bat jump at you to hit you low i'd say it works 25% of the time hahaha =D
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    Punishment List

    What I use is 4B+K after i 4G parry someone. It kinda tracks and if it hits i have the advantage usually. If blocked for the most part its safe for me u just gotta time it a bit because the 1st hit whiffs but the 2nd usually tracks and connects
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    Zas Wishlist

    well shit for me a quick low sweep, i remember vaugley him having one in sc3 but it was slow or something? I don't remember but yea a quick sweep so mixups could be more rewarding and less predictable
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    Good Games Thread

    GGS to Xeph to matches so far im not gonna lie your mitsu is fast as fuck lol when i get in your little combo i just drop the controller lol and gg's to most of my zas players Oh yes!!! GG's Krazie your cas is a monster lol 30wins and we knew wut we was doing lol
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    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    Kombiya mil'lord kimbiya!!! Or however you spell that shit lol Let's douse the flames before they start and get some discussions in here! Well add me on PSN Diajinn gamertag and ill mirror you I always try to learn something from every Zas i fight. I kinda agree im not much of a 2d...
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    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    gg's Kaz u got a soild Zas, and Striker its too bad our con sucked it was gettin to be a good fight the first round. All in all im still tryin to practice defense and work on spacing. Anyone got any tips on spacing speciffically? I need more practice haha. Later...
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    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    sure just add me tofu im a bit rusty bit im tryin to get back into the swing of things with zas haha
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    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    Sup all been a while, i had my email set up to alert me if there was nay replies to this thread but i guess i didn't set it up right. Yash thanks for the advice I agree i attack a lot, and i remember fighting u that night and gettin nailed every time. Freak gg's again and Zeyoo i think i...
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    Zass study sessions on PSN/XBOXL

    Sup my main is Zasa big suprise lol but i found this site a while ago and learned so much from it. I didn't know anything about frames etc until i hit up this site. Anyways I am ALWAYS looking for good Zas players I think he's a unique character and I am hoping to get some matches with some...