Search results

  1. HeeeeresJonny86

    I got a website suckas!!!

    Hey guys. Me and a few buds launched a comedy website just recently that centers around video games. We do playthoughs, podcasts and even the occasional tutorial. You should come check us out if you're into that sort of thing. Here's a few vids of our most...
  2. HeeeeresJonny86

    Getting The Most Out of Training Mode

    I've noticed recently that a lot of the 8wayrunners on my XBL friend list spend a lot of time in training mode. Coincidentally (not really), these are the players that tend to destroy me regularly in online matches. I know online matches hardly prove anything, but I still feel like the players...
  3. HeeeeresJonny86

    Character Specific Intsructional Videos

    This is an idea I've had for a while now and I'm just now able to pull it off. I got my hands on a copy of Adobe Premiere so i could probably do it up right. I figured I'd post here to see if anyone's even interested. Basically it would be an instructional series akin to tekken's "level up your...
  4. HeeeeresJonny86

    HeeeeresJonny86's Match Thread

    Instead of spamming this section with thread after thread, I figured I'd add all the matches I record here. You can still find most of them in the media library as well. (or you could check my youtube account)
  5. HeeeeresJonny86

    Couple of arcade stick questions

    Just ordered a custom stick from arcade-in-a-box and i had a few questions for all you seasoned veterans out there. First, what's the learning curve like? By that I mean how long did it take you to get comfortable enough to execute most commands on the fly. I have some experience back from...