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  1. Mamoru_Hasukage

    Food for Thought: What the Soul Calibur series needs.

    I did not know where to put this exactly, but here ya go... I posted this on a thread called "RIP Dlc" and figured what I had put was a bit off topic, so, I thought that making a thread would generate more positive feedback on a bigger scale. Hopefully I am shown to be right on that, but hey...
  2. Mamoru_Hasukage

    Bushido Blade: Should it come back?

    This is more or less just me posting something that I would like to make as a game. If you are not familiar with Bushido Blade, it was a series of 2 games on the ps1 that was known for amazing collision detection and using the idea if a sword gets you in the face, you are dead. PERIOD. It is...
  3. Mamoru_Hasukage


    Hello there 8WayRun Community! This would be my first discussion I post so I thought I would start with something to see who here has a like mind. My personal pet peeve with CAS is that a lot of people do not seem to make their own...well character. You see nothing but waves after waves of...