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  1. Adam-Loses

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    I know from just trying it out now that 44B, 66B+K does 120 dmg after trapping from Qflip B. I agree yeah, it should either be less unsafe, do more damage or lead to a combo or at least a decent tech trap chance.
  2. Adam-Loses

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    Oh man I was just about to post this exact same info lol. Only with minor damage differences, I got 77 everytime with the first combo, others were just 1 difference. Only other thing I could add is that 3AA catches all techs, but that's not even worth attempting unless they know to tech left...
  3. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Punishment Guide

    Oh good I'm hating Raph atm, I find him even more frustrating than SCIV Raph, probably because I also have no idea what he's doing yet, haven't seen enough of him. So yeah I look forward to knowing where I can stop him and punish him xD I think I'll go for Aeon to begin with, since he's my...
  4. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Punishment Guide

    I'd like to help with this, are there any specific characters you'd like tested against? So I don't end off doing the same list as you/someone else.
  5. Adam-Loses

    Devil Jin Combo Discussion

    Wow the DJ forum is pretty dead, did he get nerfed in the day 1 patch? Because he really doesn't seem as OP as everyone was saying... He doesn't even have that awesome combo that was shown in a match pre-release, has that BE been removed from the game or what?
  6. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Combo Discussion

    What do you mean by the B after BE, is that a BT B or a mistake? Also, Ugg, have you tested whether the CE can pick up off the ground from any other KDs or stuns? Might be possible since it combos into itself, I'll try it out later myself anyway.
  7. Adam-Loses

    Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

    I think it's always gonna help some people to see combos performed in a video with inputs clearly shown, so yeah good job (: I would just say though that there are some improvements that can be made to some of the combos, but they're still pretty solid.
  8. Adam-Loses

    Algol Movelist Discussion

    Unfortunately it definitely doesn't catch sidesteps, only if they're going back as well. But if it did it'd be the best move in the game probably, massively OP xD
  9. Adam-Loses

    Algol Movelist Discussion

    As far as I know it catches the opponent whenever they move backwards, whether that's simply a back step or back walk or anything causing them to move backwards like holding 1 or 7, starting up a move using 44_11_77 and I think moves with automatic backsteps, like Leixias/Cervantes/Ezios etc too.
  10. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Techtraps

    Lol what a coincidence, only yesterday I said this xD Since there's no tech trap thread I'll post this here- 44A traps All techs after 1K and (3B+K),K and 3B is guaranteed after it. 3(B+K)K, 44A (trap), 3B = 75-85 dmg depending on Clean Hit or not and after 1K it does 55 dmg. You can also...
  11. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Combo Discussion

    Since there's no tech trap thread I'll post this here- 44A traps All techs after 1K and (3B+K),K and 3B is guaranteed after it. 3(B+K)K, 44A (trap), 3B = 75-85 dmg depending on Clean Hit or not and after 1K it does 55 dmg. You can also end with 2B if you want to be in FC. EDIT: Just found it...
  12. Adam-Loses

    Techable knockdowns

    Ok I just tested and there are loads of non-techable KDs but no stuns by the looks of it. These are the things I've found that you CAN'T tech after: All launchers except 4K (so 3B, FC 3B, 22_88B, WSB BE etc.) 33_99BB A+G Left side throw 1KK (you can tech after just 1K) 4A+B A+B CE
  13. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Combo Discussion

    Oh wow, yeah I believe you, just surprised. I'll be trying this later, sounds pretty cool, but very impractical xD
  14. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Combo Discussion

    Seems like the only way I can do anything is by replying to a post, I can't edit or delete my other one, it was supposed to have said this in it- How did you manage to use the CE twice in a row? It ends with the opponent on the ground and I didn't think it could wall splat either S:
  15. Adam-Loses

    Leixia Combo Discussion

  16. Adam-Loses

    Techable knockdowns

    There were several stuns and knockdowns in SCIV that didn't allow teching, that and the fact I'm also pretty sure I've noticed some as well means they probably aren't no. I'll test for Leixias, if she has any, tomorrow and get back to you.
  17. Adam-Loses

    Algol Movelist Discussion

    Yeah I'm glad I was wrong about this, though even knowing this I never use his level 1 CE xD
  18. Adam-Loses

    CAS : create the real one Devil Jin

    Is there supposed to be a picture? I can't see anything... S: Edit: I can see the video now lol, was my browser being shit, good work.
  19. Adam-Loses

    Algol Movelist Discussion

    Lol... OP! Ezio can do that for free and more damage xD
  20. Adam-Loses

    Algol Movelist Discussion

    Yeah I now believe that was just the death stun, so I think his CE is pretty much useless without full 200% meter. Unless it has some combo applications mid combo S: which I doubt, or as a humiliating 15 dmg round ender lol. So is there something you want changed about Qflip A+BbA+B+K in the post?