3A:B Help


[08] Mercenary
Hello 8WR , could someone please tell me how to do 3:A:::B: ? I'm able to perform it periodically but I don't even know when to press :B: after :A:.
Yeah, its around the same time it hits the opponent. Its difficult at first because its VERY delayed. Its about the same timing as Setsuka's 1A:A.

Of course, if you're trying to get it online, you want to do it a little bit before it hits the opponent to compensate for the lag.
I have only been on this site for a while and it has already helped me so much. I'm wondering when are you supposed to hit :B: for the just move.I know it probably says this somewhere ,but I'm having trouble understanding things.I understand the keypad directions and few other things, but help with lingo would also be really be helpful.
Yo, I can't help you with the JF on what I assume is 3A:B but I can help with the notation stuff.

This video should explain everything you need to know as far as the notation goes:

If you have any questions feel free to hit me up in a PM or just respond here.

Oh and welcome to the forums!
IMP = Impact: When dealing with frame data IMP is the speed of a move. Example: i13 which = 13 frames
GRD = Guard: Pretty simple
LNC = Launcher: A move that launches your opponent into the air on hit or counter hit. These can usually combo into big damage. Example: Cervy 3B is a launcher
NC = Natural Combo: A move or string that combos without a counter hit. Example: Most characters AA or BB
JF = Just Frame: These are a part of certain moves that require a precise input. In SC they are called Just Frames.
SC = Soul Crush: SC is usually found in the wiki where it states how many times your attack must be blocked to get a soul crush.
Let me know if anything is unclear!
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