Algol Combo & Tech Trap Discussion

44B, 66A+B, CE (200%) - as seen in that Algol trailer
66B, CE (200%) - does over half health
4BA, Qflip A+B,B - follow ups to the bounce unknown atm, but very likely
3B BE, Qflip B, 2B
3B,B tech traps after Running K (looked like it in the videos anyway)
Some simple combos, and damages on the ones already stated:

66B, CE = 165 dmg
44B, 66A+B, CE = 151 dmg
44B, 66B+K = 84 dmg
3B(BE), flip B, 1K = 79 dmg
A+B/2A+B/8A+B, CE = 118 dmg
4BA, flip A+B, B = 60 dmg (flip A+B becomes CH if they try to Ukemi)
33A, B, K = 63 dmg
6A CH, A, B, BT A+B = 64 dmg (attack counter)

EDIT: took out 66B(BE), CE thanks to post below. Silly me.
1A, 2K = 38 dmg

44B, 66A+B, 4BA = 85 dmg
44B, 66A+B, CE(100%), 4BA, flip A+BB = 99 dmg

1B CH, 2A+B, 44B = 57 dmg
1B CH, 2A+B, (slight delay) 44B (tech trap left/right ukemi)
1B CH, 2A+B, 66B(BE), 4BA = 80 dmg

22B, 44B = 51 dmg
Note: 22B, 2A+B is techable with a left ukemi, or back ukemi from a far hit. It seems extremely tight timing to get away in time though. From this you can do the same stuff as 1B CH.

66B, CE(100%), 4BA, flip A+BB = 104 dmg

5/2/4/8A+B, CE(100%), 4BA, flip A+BB = 75 dmg

tested on Algol btw
Oh man. Not totally convinced 100% meter is worth it just for 100 damage but those are mad stylish sounding, VR. I'm gonna go play with that 66B > CE one.
Yeah, credit goes to babalook for that one, he posted it in general discussion a bit ago. I'm not sure how to make use of his meter yet, so far I've been saving up for 200% CE but I could see that having some issues.
my n00b combo:

very nice. I was testing it and it appears to be totally guaranteed. when I tried to get out as nightmare i could air control the last hit if the initial 44B launch was a far hit, but that's a minor thing. I'll add it to the combo list. when you take into account htis only takes 75% meter intead of 100% like CE lvl2 and it also does more damage, its pretty nice
Tech Trap: 22A >> 3BB seems like only 22A traps and not 88A. someone please verify.

also 44AA and 3AA combos after 4BA. Use this when you don't want to ring yourself out with Qflip A+B,B.
Tech Trap: 22A >> 3BB seems like only 22A traps and not 88A. someone please verify.

also 44AA and 3AA combos after 4BA. Use this when you don't want to ring yourself out with Qflip A+B,B.

tested the tech trap on pyrrha. if she techs right she gets out regardless whether you do 22A or 88A
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