Hawt Girls Appreciation - Now with 100% Moar AAAAAAYYYUUUUSSSSS!!!!!!

What kind of Man or Chick are you?

  • b00bs !!

    Votes: 96 45.9%

    Votes: 113 54.1%

  • Total voters
Wow...this may sound out of character from me, but as a man, wow...where the heck have they been all my life? It's as though they came from a remote island, shown up during the summer and hide during the winter. Does it ever seem that way for you guys? XD

And then if you happen to see any of them, they're either on the opposite side of the train platform, or too busy looking at text messages to notice you, but either way the opportunity to talk to them just seem so impossible, or that they are simply unapproachable. I can see why throwing a rock at their bedroom window seems like a tempting option back then. I should sling shot their cell phones off their hands and maybe approach them, with "Oh hey are you alright? Your cell phone broke, oh that's too bad. Wanna borrow mine? And your phone number and e-mail happens to be on the screen, along with a "Call ME" message. XD These days cell phones just seem like everyone's best friends or something. What ever happen to face to face communication these days? I'm sure it still happens but, when it comes to finding love, I have yet to see this. I'm surrounded by cell phone addicts. It sucks. XD
I raise you cosplay that's way hotter! Shazzam!!

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