Jehuty's CAS Thread


[08] Mercenary
Just wanted to show a few of my creations so far.

Rock 1P:



I was kinda going for that "snowy northern barbarian" look with this costume. I tried to emulate Xiba's tiger wrap on him using a white tiger pattern instead. I had tried a snow leopard print to be a bit more authentic, but it just looked too gaudy. Made his hair and 'stache fairly grey considering he was already 42 in SC4.

Rock 2P


Dragonslayer Rock. Some of his costumes in the other games seemed a little fantastical (like the Triceratops skull thing), so I decided to do one of those types as well. Gave the bones a more yellowed tone to set the color scheme further from the 1P. Also put on some dragonscale pants, gave him a prettier axe, and changed his facepaint up. (Which you only ever really see on either costume when he gets broken, but hey.)

Dian Wei

My interpretation of Dian Wei as he is portrayed in the Dynasty Warriors series.

Natsu Cosplays?!
So Natsu is my main, and I like using CAS. But instead of making characters from other games/shows/whatever and giving them Natsu's style, I thought it would be more fun to dress up Natsu as said characters. So, Natsu cosplays!

Strider Natsu

Strider is a cool ninja. Natsu is a cool ninja. Strider Natsu is a pretty cool ninja.


With all the comparisons being made I couldn't help but do this one. Fun for being annoying online. BELIEVE IT!

That's all for now, check back again soon!
I like the Rockses very much, I miss Rock from the game, because he had cool costumes like the ones you did so well ^__^