League of Legends

So I just turned level 30 yesterday, and ever since I've been getting matched with Platinums/Golds/Silvers in my normal games

Could someone tell me why? Seems kind of unfair to me..
you should be glad. you'll get better faster when you face people that allow only minimal mistakes. i would love to get matched up with better players like plats and silvers. i've had that happen once when i was invited to a streamers game when i was still getting used to the game and it opened my eyes. i swear i got like 18 times better after that where if i didn't i'd still be doing the same bad things i did back then, maybe. now i'm better than a lot of people that have been playing the game longer than me. and even to the point where i can coach and feel comfortable about it in mid and support roles.
anyone else do their placments? ended up last pick and supporting majority of mine... gold 4 to silver 4
went 4-6
still got 4 more to do in mine. so far i think i only have 2 losses. so if i can get some more good matches then i should be golden. but doesn't fully matter to me cause i'm just gonna plow through whatever they place me in anyway.
I got into Silver V after going 6-4. Then I got promoted twice to Silver III and Silver I, got demoted then its been a climb trying to get out of Silver II cause of trolls. An example of a recent troll team, the duo in our game went duo mid(teemo + fizz) leaving me(the support) to solo lane vs vayne + thresh without an adc on our team. Then they convinced Lux to join them and they triple mid'd and took 12 min to get a tower and 13 for level 6. They forced our jungler to top.
wait. are people skipping tiers? going from silver V to silver III? maybe i need to play more ranked. but unfortunately, i only like playing late into the night, when the kids are asleep. during the day i play normals with groups of friends or are too busy. but lately, i haven't been able to do my late night matches because of me being sick or busy with something else.
like what i seen so far.

think i removed everyone on my friends list was going to give my account to someone but, changed my mind. feel free to readd me.
Sn- NconvenìentTruth
HI I'M NEW TO THIS. I don't really know what I'm doing in the game and I don't know how much longer I will play, but as of now I am having fun, that is all.
i'm pretty sure it was sarcasm. i can't wait to try out that soraka rework though. people complain but watch me still make her work. just like i do for all my supports.