"Look out world... Cause here come Leixia" online delight

Against Astaroth, be ready to punish with FC3B after you duck a throw. Be careful about using WR B to escape oki because it loses to charge bullrush a lot of the time. Astaroth's beatable but you need to use different moves against him. Things like AA and 66K are not so useful against him as against the rest of the cast.
I hope it's ok to post...
Even though my main is Siegfried I use a bit of Leixia too (and others).
PSN: X11th_dimensionX
Location: Greece
Whenever you want to play, just let me know, When I'm not working on projects for my major I'm most likely playing some SC

PSN - NatEThEgr8023
XBL - GranmasGotGame