[Sep 14, 2011] Tokyo Game Show (TGS) 9/15-18 (Chiba City, Japan)

PLEASE get some game footage. In fact, you should just sit there with a video cam and record SC 5 for however many days it's out...shows dedication and we will all worship you for it.
They always have signs up sayin no cameras.

On press dayz the mags and stuff can film/take pics.
Ya some travelers get footage but they don't want ya to so I usually don't even take a camera.

I got work so prob will only go the one day (already got our tickets).
My son gets bored so can't stay in one place that long but he knows I love the game so he'll cut me some slack, haha.
SCV playable already has been announced.

Talim_JP it would be great if you could test a few things.

For instance does JG work if you press and hold G or does it only work if you tap G? This is very important and will give us a little perspective on how safe it is. Also a video shows JG withstanding two hits, so my question would be: does it always withstand two hits/ can it withstand more than two hits?

Ivy's CE. Basically mess around with it. How easy is it to see? How much damage compared to her command throws? Range?

Anything else useful you can think of. Patroklos and Pyrrah can supposedly set up their CE easily, how's damage off of those setups? Any changes you can recognize with returning characters. What do you think of other new mechanics? Anything at all would be much appreciated.
It'd be awesome if they announced some new characters. At least showed some screens of Nightmare and Lexia, that'd make me happy. No matter what have fun at the show and bring back a little light on the game. Hopefully, you can set to rest some of the Just Guard concerns that have been plaguing 8way... haha
Don't know how to use any chara but Talim so it will be difficult to test any of the other charas.

You can bet the JP playas will pickin the game apart (last time oosaka had a clipboard and they were testin stuff, not playin, haha). I'll have to see if we can get an English translation of what they find out.