Streaming For Charity, Please Support :)


[08] Mercenary
Long time, all!

I'll be live streaming tomorrow for 25 hours for the Extra Life 2013 "Be a Hero" charity. All proceeds go to Children's Hospitals to aid sick and injured children. If you can stop by, tune in for a bit, and donate a few dollars/pounds/euros/etc, it would be much appreciated, both by me, the children receiving the aid, and their families.

I have a number of on-stream events planned, including a SCV online tourney (8-man only). A donation of at least $5 must be made to be eligible to enter. If this interests you, please let me know!

Here is the link to my donation page:

And here is the games and events line-up (Not final. Subject to change):

Thank you.

Edit: Stream link: