[Toronto] Where we elected a crack smoking Mayor...

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Hey Eli. The other thread was fine until you decided to come out of your hibernation and talk useless smack to OOF. Its amazing how you guys claim to support the game/community but only come here to talk shit and post memes.

Get a Life. Seriously.
Shutup Dino. Seriously. Trashmatic need to pay what he owes, till then this will continue.
Then its probably in our best interest to get you banned from this site.

Didn't you get a chance to get your Money and didnt take it? If you want the money so bad you can go to him and get it.

But it seems you guys are both Happy posting Memes and talking shit to each other.\

Why don't you guys play for 30$ Again? Or $60? Or if you'd rather talk shit behind your keyboard (because its well established you're not like this in person) then do it in PMs or something. You guys are only making yourselves look bad (not that it seemsyou guys care).
Sorry but I object... Eli should not get banned; despite Eli being "cancerous/idiotic" he has every right to troll him until he gets his money back. Does that phrase look familiar?

The thing is OOF outright refuses to pay the $30 when there is an easy option for him to do that. He could have used PayPal and send the money to Eli's e-mail account whether Eli has a PayPal account or not.


OOF even admits that online is the best way to pay.
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Yeah just Paypal that shit already, it 's been fucking 15 months this thing is going on. Hell I don't mind giving my Paypal to serve as bridge for Winged Pirate's money.
till then this will continue.
I call bullshit. We all know you've been an online bitch to me with constant personal attacks since long before the money match, so even if I did give you the money you'd still act like a bitch to me. I offered to online transfer the money back in January and you didn't accept, most likely to make sure I keep looking bad by "not having paid it back". So now I don't give a shit. You are not getting SHIT, because you are a little bitch, and only if you clean up your little bitch act then I *might consider* giving you the money. But being a pansy online bitch is part of your nature so I know that will never happen. So this will continue!

And I don't give a damn what people think about me for not giving the money. To me this whole money match was not even legitimate, there was no shaking of hands to agree on the money, and no money put up beside the TV (which is what I've always done for my MM's since the SCII days), and most importantly I was flat out refusing to do the money match because I didn't have the money, and Eli coerced me into it by being a baby at the very last minute and whining that if we didnt play for $30 the trash bag match wouldnt happen. And the whole point of the event was for that match, so I didn't want to have the thing cancelled and ruin the hype so I just gave in after Eli kept crying and crying like the little bitch baby that he is.

And for the record I've always been against personal attacks and even name calling and kept my attacks mostly about SC and game skill, but nowdays I just don't give a damn anymore. After someone like Eli keeps being a bitch every time I post something here (long before the money match), I don't give a damn

that was my mini rant, back to training for NEC!
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That moment when you log on and there are like 9 reported messages.

But yeah take it to pms please >.> ... Or make an actual thread...Or use the other Toronto thread...
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