US States Stereotypes: A Map of Google's 1st Searched Word for Each State


[14] Master
Via HuffPost:
Thanks to the Twitter account @Amazing_Maps, we now have an idea of how the Internet stereotypes all 50 U.S. states. When a search phrase like "Why is Illinois so..." is typed into Google, the search engine autocompletes the sentence with the word that people most commonly write in the search bar next. In this way, Google autocomplete may reveal the deeply held assumptions the public holds about a state.

Don't fret Party Wolf, here's a guide to surviving a snowstorm:


Story and information from AccuWeather: Toned down to prevent panic


What is snow?

Snow is frozen precipitation. It falls from the sky and amounts on the ground in large piles. Nobody is truly sure where snow comes from, with theories ranging from flakes of atmosphere falling down, to God's dandruff.

Picture of snow:

How do I protect myself from snow?

Snow is weak to fire. The only way to truly protect yourself is to light your house on fire. Make sure to start it as a slow burn so your house will outlast the snow. Other methods include bribing local officials to move the snow to your neighbor's house, or creating a scarecrow to trick the snow into attacking somewhere else. A last ditch resort would be to shoot the snow with a gun. An AR-15 is the recommended gun for shooting snow.


How long until society completely collapses?

Shorter than you would think. Snow in the southeast usually leads to complete collapse of society in a matter of 2-3 hours. At which point, the entire region devolves into roaming tribes of gunmen.

Scene from Atlanta three hours after first snowflake of the 93 Blizzard.

How do I know which tribe to join?

There's no wrong answer to this question, as everyone has their own unique taste in tribes. If you're into cars and machines, you may want to give TITANSQUAD 420SWAG a try. If more of a primal, pagan-like community is up your alley, then go for the Waifu Warriors. Only you can know what type of tribe is right for you, so shop around and have a little fun!


Book 1 (Before snow)
Book 2 (During snow)
Book 3 (After snow)

If you have any more questions regarding snow, save them. Because we're all going to die and there's nothing we can do about it, so you're just wasting the precious time we have left.
The weather map for California should just say "Haaaa-hah-hah-haa..." Seriously. It's winter and it's 100 degrees and hasn't rained in three months. That's not me bragging, that's me contemplating what my electricity and water bills are going to be like this summer. Seriously... clouds? You can rain already. And the weather men keep going on about "this gorgeous weather," I want to strangle them.