World Game Cup 2k11 Result

thuggish amy makes me cry...... wtf yo... u got to read the opponent and "counter his moves" dont just run in and do mix ups... u got to konw y u doing this or that mix up, based on the oponent move set he is doing. and u lack the limatition of moves set from the oponent... i counted 234234234234 "mid attacks" that u yo... amy blocking a mid?... up ur reaction time yo and counter the mid accourndly. there is many more, but i dont want to go through that... not sure if ur still playing the game seriously but if u are, ur welcome for the advice lol

dont bother replying i wont be back here off to work take care guys and grats on placers/

ps .. u guys still play .. WOW should come to Summer Jam. It's going to be a few people there.
Now I really miss this game if you have people from Germany were playing. where was it? I feel bad SC has no love. let's hope SC5 renew our love.