Akire(Mitsu) vs Elazul ( Tira)

They nerfed it!? Woo!! Thank god, that was a huge pain in the ass in IV.
Holy shit! They nerfed Tira's "Self Damage" on her GS moves!

Did they give Mitsu back his B in his un-BEed 2KB? Also his new attack in his 2KB BE [1:04] is Nyce.
Mitsu lost 2K.B knock down property?
I she they added a new camera angle to Tira's CE... Meh
Love the movement of the cam. on Tira's CE, is she still losing life in GS?


Oct 26, 2011 at 11:38 AM
Posted by SCPartisan
Match d'exibition 25/10/2011
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