Fuck your 2A, I have flying edge, @StevenA

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Jun 6, 2014 at 5:46 PM
Posted by LockDownZ
Reasons why flying edge is the new dropkick
-If a dropkick was used in place of the last flying edge, this video wouldn't exist (because it would whiff, duh)
-Dropkicks can easily be ducked on reaction
-You can't follow up on a guard break after a dropkick, can you?
-A dropkick can't hover over viola's CE. (refer to my "flying edge is the new dropkick videos)
-A dropkick can't hit a mitsu who uses that spinny move in the air (refer to my "flying edge is the new dropkick videos)
-"Flying edge" has two words. "Dropkick" has only one.

@StevenA, Step it up, scrub. EXPOSED.
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