Kayane reading Hisaharu Tago message for Soul Calibur Community

I am curious.
Why is the game so popular in France and not so much in the rest of the world?
But anyway, I hope the guys and girls who played the game can help to improve the balance of the game. :)


Oct 2, 2011 at 11:51 AM
Posted by Malice
Hisaharu Tago-san, one of the Soul Calibur V producer with Daishi Odashima, wrote a message for the French Soul Calibur Community at the occasion of the Soul Calibur V Invitational Session organized by Kayane & Namco Bandai.
Thanks to Tago-san for this message that really pleased us !

Hisaharu Tago, l'un des producteurs de Soul Calibur V avec Daishi Odashima, a écrit un message pour la communauté française de Soul Calibur à l'occasion de l'évènement Soul Calibur V Invitational Session organisé par Kayane & Namco Bandai.
Merci à Tago-san pour ce message qui nous a vraiment fait plaisir !

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