[SC IV] Keysona (Mitsurugi) vs. Ring (Ivy)

This was the only serious FT5 we played and recorded. It was a pleasure to play both Akire and Keysona, both with different styles. Akire was more "abusive" with many 2KB's and I think he had more anti Ivy knowlede, so it was somewhat more difficult to win against him I think.
Unfortunately this was the only SC IV fight I recorded (in another set Ring lost against Keysona). As for Ring vs. Akire, they played (Ring won) but these weren't recorded.
Should have played akire instead. Ring was having his way with akires student!
Very entertaining and good showing by both players (actually, Keysona sucked pretty badly, just Ring ;-P)
Ring - That was amazing! Can i have ur foreign babies?
15:38 was ... sick!


Oct 26, 2011 at 12:59 PM
Posted by Di_PL
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