Soul Calibur V - Viola Walkthrough w/FilthieRich

So I get to use a mix of Zafina and Litchi Faye-Ling. Awesome! Zafs my fav T6 char and Litchi is awesome!
I was skeptical at first but Viola looks very fun and technical, reminds me of Zwei stylewise a bit though...
-cuddles viola-
i wanted you since before this was out! :3
I wonder If the ball gets GI'd, would it strike her like with Algol...?
woot! shes not as broken as i thought! her ball moves actually look kind of risky.
Her fighting style without the ball reminds me of Zafina. Pretty sweet.
I think Viola is going to be my 2nd main:)))


Oct 22, 2011 at 7:08 PM
Posted by DontTestMePish
FilthieRich presents Viola

P.S. From GameTrailers
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